Chapter 25

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You lay in bed that night, unable to sleep. Well, your bed was really just the cold hard ground with a blanket spread underneath you. You couldn't care less though, you loved nature and you always wanted to go camping- just not like this. You tossed and turned, but, eventually you got up for some fresh air. Stepping over the sleeping figures, you walked out into the freezing night air. Ice crystals surrounded you, gleaming in the moonlight. You sat down, leaning back against a large rock. Closing your eyes, you rested your head on the bolder behind you, listening the ocean.

        "I thought I'd find you here (Y/N)," a voice came from behind you. You opened your eyes, but did not turn around.

        "Hey Hiccup," you greeted, as he sat himself down next to you. You scooted away from him, resting your head on your knees.

        "Something wrong?" Hiccup asked, worriedly. You shook your head. No Hiccup, nothing, except that I think I might be falling for my best friend and there's nothing you can do about it! Hiccup rested a hand on your shoulder. "You can tell me (Y/N). You can tell me anything,"

        "I know Hiccup," You closed your eyes again, and Hiccup did the same. A tear found it's way out of your tightly closed eyelid. You felt Hiccup stiffen next to you.

        "(Y/N), your crying," he said quietly. 

        "Yes Hiccup, I am," Hiccup pulled you closed to him, and you stiffened when you felt his toned chest against your back. "Hiccup," you mumbled, blushing.

        "Yes?" he whispered in your ear. You held onto his hand tightly.

        "I think I-"

        "Hiccup!" you heard his father's voice. Hiccup sighed.

        "What?" he yelled back, standing up.

        "Come here son, I need help with the plans!" You giggled childishly as Hiccup angrily stomped away, and you stood up, brushing yourself off.

        "Curse you Stoick!" you muttered under your breath.

        "(Y/N)!" Val called to you. You walked over to her obediently. She handed you a folded up piece of cloth. 

        "What's this?" you asked her.

        "It's armor. Made it myself."

        "Oh Val.. I don't know what to say." It was like her red leather armor, but it was laced with black, and painted red a green. You slipped the top part of it over your head. It fit perfectly. You stepped into the bottom half, and buckled the leather belt around the pants, and straightened up. The armor felt as light as a feather, and it hugged your body, making you feel safe. "It's beautiful," you told her. She smiled lovingly. 

        "Wait till Hiccup sees it!" she clapped her hand together. "Oh!"

        "Wait, what?" you said, alarmed. "This is for me... right?"

        "Yes honey, of course it is. Hiccup!" With that she ran off to find he son. Rolling your eyes, you walked over to where your weapons and knapsack were. Picking through the pile of stuff, you found your sword and daggers. They weren't the best, but they would have to do.

        "(Y/N)!" Hiccup called to you.

        "Yeah?" you turned around to see Hiccup standing in front of you, fully dressed in his matching armor. "What..." you couldn't speak. Val planned this! "Hey Hiccup... nice armor." He chuckled cutely.

        "You too! Oh, hey, I got something for you," He reached into one of his many pockets, and produced a long package wrapped in fading brown leather.

        "What's this?" you asked him, reaching for it. 

        "Just a little something," You smiled, unraveling the present. Out fell a long piece of metal. It looked like the handle of a sword.

        "Hiccup?" you asked, picking it up. He walked over to you, and wrapped his arms around yours from behind.

        "It's like this," he grasped your hands, raised them up, and jerked them down again. The hidden blade of the sword shot out of the handle, and a fire was lite along it. You gasped, gaping at the beautiful, dancing flame before you. "I want you to have it (Y/N)," Hiccup told you, releasing your arms and stepping back. You turned around to face him.

        "Thank you Hiccup, really," You stepped closer to him, blushing. His hand caressed your cheek, leaning down to your level. Just a little closer...

        "Hey! Love birds! Time to get ready!"

        "Right," you mumbled, stepping back. "Let's go Hiccup,"                  

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