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-Misun's POV-

Haechan held my hand as we drove to my house. I couldn't help but stare at the boy. He was everything to me. Tonight was the night I was going to confess my feelings for him.

"Why are you staring at me?" he asked.

"Because I just want to." I replied.

He just shrugged and continued driving. I looked down at our hands and the loved feeling inside grew. All this time I was focused on Mark, but now I know what I couldn't see before.

We pulled up to my driveway and he turned the car off. We sat in his car in complete silence for awhile. I released his hand causing him to look at me.

"Thanks for driving me home. I never got to tell you what I was gonna say earlier though." I nervously tugged at my sleeves.

He exit the car and walked over to my side. He opened the door for me to step out. I mentally prepared what I was going to say to him.

"Just tell me whenever you're ready. Let's talk about college though. Have you found a roommate already?" He changed the subject.

I watched as he leaned against his car and stuck his hands in his pockets. He was trying to avoid the subject again.

"Why do you do that?" I asked frustrated.

His head shot up and looked at me. "Do what?"

"You always try to avoid the subject when it comes up. Why don't you want to talk about it with me?" I asked.

He fully stood up and turned his body towards me. He took a step closer to me as I backed up.

"I just want to know. Is it because you don't feel that way about me anymore? Because if I can recall, friends don't kiss friends." I could feel the rage inside boiling.

"I don't want to keep kissing you, but I can't stop myself because I'm scared. I'm scared your heart will suddenly turn to a different direction; plus I like kissing you. It makes my stomach explode with happiness but guilt also. I feel guilty that you're not mine, but I keep kissing you to make you stay. Then if I confess it's going to put this pressure on your shoulders. I don't want you to feel forced to like me back. Misun. I want you to like me because of who I am, and the person you grew up with." He stated.

"I do like you for who you are though. I like you Lee Haechan. I like you enough to make sure no one else steals your heart. I want to be with you because you make me generally happy inside. This is what I wanted to tell you: I like you a lot." I confessed.

It was quiet. My heart was breaking with each passing second.

"Don't," he paused. "like me anymore."

The End.

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