Author's Note

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Thank you to everyone who helped support
"Love Maze"

I had extreme writer's block while writing this. Soon the chapters just kept dragging on, and it really was going nowhere. I didn't want to continue it, but I found my inspiration halfway through.

Anyways, this story was actually pre-written. It took me at least a month to finish. I thought I was going to be able to finish it faster, but then school started again and it pushed me back even further.

Also, this was written during Dreamies last comeback with Mark. ( "We Go Up" )This is for me to remember when I come back to see what time and age I was. I really did enjoy writing this story. There were many emotions involved but now that I'm done; I'm proud.

I'm thinking of writing the sequel and it will be pre-written also. If you loved "Love Maze" then please show your love to its sequel.

Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it! See you all in my next story!

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