SEVEN: will is worried

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will is worried

PRIVATE CHATwill the magnificentand skandar the just

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will the magnificent
and skandar the just

will the magnificent
are you taking a shower right now?

skandar the just
this time, no
but i'm in the middle of another important thing
in a date, actually

will the magnificent
oh. cool
say hi to her from me
i'm just so, so worried about tomorrow
you read that article from today?

skandar the just
she says hi too
and that she loved you as peter but liked edmund the most, as usual
yeah, i read it. i'm not very glad to have prince in our set, ugh
and tomorrow? we're having dinner with the cast, so..?

will the magnificent
nate is going to be there
the guy i have to kiss!!

skandar the just
you wanna start practicing with him or what?

will the magnificent

skandar the just
then why am i answering your texts in the middle of a date if this is not an emergency?

will the magnificent
i'm feeling nervous here, skandar!!!
i finished the book two hours ago and now i love cam and peter together
but me and nate york i don't think so

skandar the just
william, remember who pays us?
you probably aren't even going to have to kiss on escene
but if you do, go for it;)

will the magnificent
you know, i needed support, but thanks for the advice that i'm not using

skandar the just
here's my short support as i'm still IN A DATE:
send him a bloody message and talk to him

will the magnificent
why would i do that?

skandar the just
dunno. probably bc kissing a friend instead of a stranger is a better way to become gay

will the magnificent

skandar the just
then kiss the guy and shut the hell up

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