FIFTY-ONE: nate welcomes the 20s

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nate welcomes the 20s

fifty-one:nate welcomes the 20s

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lenaliyork. can't believe my cute bby brother is turning 20 today and this is the first birthday we spent without the other. nate, i love you with all my heart. you have no idea of everything you teach me day by day, no matter if you're the younger and i'm the one supposed to teach you stuff. i'm so proud of everything you have achieved and how you always follow your dreams. i remember when you told our father you wanted to be an actor and how your eyes shone when you saw your first play, or when you were accepted for the movie cast in a moment when anyone would have lost hope but you kept trying and believing. you are my role model, honesly. thanks for everything you've done for me, and thanks for being the best part in my life and the perfect family since our parents now rest in peace. i love you, nathaniel danny, to the point you make me write silly things like this.
anyone would be lucky to have you on their lives because you're the best fucking blessing i could ever ask.
welcome to the 20s, little brother💕💕

username1: this was so cute i want to cry tbh

username2: the york siblings are an icon

yorkgog: i love you with all my heart too, len. im gonna miss your hugs, especially today. thanks for writing all this for me, it meant the world. youre the best sister ever❤️

princeseth: nate put an emoji wtf

princeseth: this is a birthday miracle

yourelituring: answer my fucking messages better (lenaliyork has blocked this user)

yourelituring: answer my fucking messages better (lenaliyork has blocked this user)

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lenaliyork. also, my favorite picture with nate:

yorkgog: i knew you were doing something like this

skandarkeynes: the lost prince lost his pants

username1: we haven't have anything of willate in months, so nate without jeans is kinda good

username2: we miss willate😭😭

princeseth: this changed my life

benbarnes: nate you have to wear pants pls

lenaliyork: wow. if i knew i'd get too much likes in a post with a picture of nate without pants then i'd have posted it ages before lol

yorkgog: not even in the same country, but still together #ilovehersomuch #sheisthebestpersonalive #yesweliketaylorswift21K LIKES | 2

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yorkgog: not even in the same country, but still together #ilovehersomuch #sheisthebestpersonalive #yesweliketaylorswift

skandarkeynes: ok ok i'm not gonna make a comments of what you wrote because it's your birthday

annapopplewell: well chose @skandarkeynes

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