FIFTY-TWO: the cast has a party

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the cast has a party

fifty-two:the cast has a party

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yorkgog. thanks to each member of the cast and our team work that were so kind to organise a birthday party for me. especially thanks to my sister, my friends and our director santana lloyd that allowed us to held this small party in the studio. youre all awesome #thecakewasawesometoo

princeseth: and that was his face when we told him to say cheese and smile

annapopplewell: that's the less you deserve, hon. we love you💓

skandarkeynes: the alien emoji was my idea btw

officialnarnia: happy birthday, nathaniel! we're so happy to have you with us

username1: follow me pls

username2: @goodproblemstohave come and save willate

username3: willate is so dead

lenaliyork: nice picture, boo

yourelituring: fuck you damn kid (yorkgog has blocked this user)

georgiehenley: 💖💖💖💖

benbarnes: my little brother is 20:')

yorkgog: thought i was the eldest and with rights over the crown @benbarnes

lenaliyork: he's MY little brother, telmarine prince @benbarnes

username4: we're still waiting for will🙄

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