FIFTY-EIGHT: nate becomes a reporter

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nate becomes a reporter


A lot of things have been happening lately, and we thought it'll be a nice idea to show you a bit of the magic behind the screen. Follow Nate in his journey and enjoy Narnia! #PrinceCaspianMovie

 Follow Nate in his journey and enjoy Narnia! #PrinceCaspianMovie

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(Nate): Ok, day one. We're on the beach and... I don't know what Ben is doing here, none of his scenes are in the beach and... That was a spoiler. God, I'm like Skandar now... And there's Will with his earphones...

(Will): The Killers, Vincent van Blue

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(Will): The Killers, Vincent van Blue

(Nate): That's a great answer.

(Nate): Day two. I actually should be in that truck but Skandar kicked me off before I.. Oh, oh, look!

 Oh, oh, look!

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(Nate): Here are Ben and Georgie in a top secret location which I'm not allowed to say its name but it's actually really important in the movie... Hey Ben! 

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