FOURTY-FIVE: will visits his ex-girlfriend

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will visits his ex-girlfriend

fourty-five:will visits his ex-girlfriend

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goodproblemstohave. happy b-day, kels! thank you for inviting me to your party last night, i missed you a lot

kelseychow: i'm glad you finally had some time in your agenda to visit me💗 

goodproblemstohave: filming is not starting until next week, so i'm free if you want to meet again! @kelseychow 

skandarkeynes: going to parties with your ex to forget your slip with a boy? so clever (not posted)

skandarkeynes: actually, you're busy with training sessions? @goodproblemstohave

goodproblemstohave: already finished mine! @skandarkeynes

annapopplewell: i only have not kick your ass because nate asked me too, but you're d e a d for me (not posted)

princeseth: hey, i was at that party too. didn't see you anytime👀

benbarnes: you're in every party i swear @princeseth

princeseth: people loves me, what can i say🤷‍♂️ @benbarnes

skandarkeynes: i don't @princeseth

username1: does this mean they're back together???

username2: what about willate?🙃🙃

username3: they broke up like a year ago and both said they were still friends. normal for me

username4: kelsey is better than nate, fight me

username5: @username4 ewww no

lenaliyork: what's my brother's boyfriend doing with his ex??? (goodproblemstohave deleted this comment)


username7: @yorkgog come and claim your man

a/n: fun fact- will and kelsey are still dating and she's no way being a bitch or something like that here. i only used her because she has pictures with will

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