FOURTY-ONE: and so it happens

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and so it happens

fourty-one:  and so it happens

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THEY WERE BOTH SITTING IN THE COUCH, scripts in hands, when William decided to question: "Why did you say that?" Nate looked at him, a brow rose. "The thing of our eyes when they ask you about me."

Nate shrugged, pretending to not be nervous. They had been together in the whole past hour, without mentioning the "indecent" (at least, Nate would definitely call it in that way), but he knew William would eventually take the topic out—Nate had spoken to Skandar about it (lately, he spoke to Skandar a lot, mainly about William), and the only advice he got from the boy was "risk yourself, do something stupid, I have a feeling in my guts."

He wanted to trust in him, but Skandar's guts were not an actual trusted source. 

"My head went to blank, I promise" Nate answered at the end, chuckling. Will's expression of worry softened after listened at him. "I couldn't remember the word friends."

"Quite a hard word, right?" William joked. "Perhaps you were thinking in my eyes too much."

"Perhaps I was" Nate muttered. "I didn't lie anyways, our eyes match."

The blond nodded, returning his attention to the script he held. Nate wondered what was crossing his thoughts (was he thinking on him like Nate was doing? Was his mind filled of his own name like Nate's was with William, William, and William? Did he feel the same right now, with barely a foot of distance between both? Did he feel something for him?); Nate wondered if he would tell him the truth if he asked about any of those questions that filled his head.

"Isn't it a shame that Peter and Cam are not a couple anymore?" Will suddenly spoke. "They had really good parts in the book."

"See the positive side: you won't have to kiss me anymore" Nate said, smiling. "Nothing to be scared of."

Will blushed. "I wasn't scared of kissing you! I am a professional actor, I wouldn't... I am just not!"

"You told me that when we met" Nate insisted. "Don't try to trick me."

The blond let out a whisper. "Ok, maybe I was a bit—right, I was totally scared" he admitted. "But only because I've never done something like that like you had."

"It was only for a play" Nate rolled his eyes. "It stopped being a problem when I decided to think in the person's eyes instead of his sex."

There was a moment of silence between them that Nate didn't understand where it came from. Will wasn't even looking at him, still with the sight placed in the script. What was wrong?

But before he could even ask, William continued, finally sending him a glance of curiosity: "So you would have done that? Think on my eyes."

"Ours match" Nate nodded.

"And it wouldn't be a problem anymore if you did that?"

"It wouldn't. It would even... Be nice, I guess. You have pretty eyes."

Yours are prettier.

Will shortly laughed. "Why didn't you give me this advice before? I remember you saying something like 'break a glass wall'?"

"That's for sex scenes, I told you" Nate laughed too. "We weren't even close to making a sex scene and now we don't even have to kiss, so you can relax. We are safe."

"We are safe" Will repeated.

They were both seeing each other directly at the eyes by that moment; blue facing blue. Blue, blue, blue. Everything was blue around them, they thought at the same time. Everything was blue, and that was only because the person they had in front.

Risk yourself and do something stupid.

And the two did it.

They kissed.

Nate was wrong. William didn't have to think in his eyes to forget who he was kissing—oh, he wanted to remember; he wanted to dream about that moment even. He was kissing Nate York, and Nate was kissing him back! And the world was blue because of that, so blue that for an instant, they didn't were any other color for Will but blue, the same of Nate's eyes.

Blue was the room when the kiss finished and they were both scared to see the reactions of the other; blue was the room when they finally opened their eyes and smiled towards the smile they saw; blue was the room when they kissed again and again.

They were blue too, with blue feelings rising inside them, with blue eyes looking at each other with a bright of happiness.

None of both have to say a word after that. They knew what was happening, they knew what they felt. And it all was so blue, that they forget about the rest.

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