THIRTY-SIX: nate looks at will

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nate looks at will

thirty-six:nate looks at will

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princeseth. check out this excited boy because he's having his first interview with a mazagine in three days👅 ....that was sarcasm, he's so nervous he threw up with the news

username1: grossss

username2: is someone else from the cast going?

princeseth: nop. it's for an article of new stars @username2

yorkgog: i didnt throw up because of that

princeseth: then why??👀 @yorkgog

annapopplewell: you're gonna do it really well, hon!💘 @yorkgog

annapopplewell: and if things get awful, just keep smiling and run @yorkgog

yorkgog: i was planning that @annapopplewell

goodproblemstohave: vincent van blue is out of the blue

yorkgog: golden disney king is being rude @goodproblemstohave

skandarkeynes: vincent van who? @goodproblemstohave

georgiehenley: such a model, nate💕

yorkgog: thanks. seth took it while i was really distracted, actually @georgiehenley 

username3: what was he even looking at??????

princeseth: i think william, idk @username3


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yorkgog. i found a picture of will like skandar did #thisismywaytohandlethenervesfortheinterviewhonestly

skandarkeynes: only for the nerves, buddy? (not posted)

skandarkeynes: great. and now we all are gonna start to publish will's awful pics. that's how the world should always be

goodproblemstohave: i'm feeling attacked

georgiehenley: i have pictures of will too!

benbarnes: what did you lose, will?😝 @goodproblemstohave

skandarkeynes: his lost prince @benbarnes

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