THIRTY-THREE: will saves nate

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will saves nate

thirty-three:  will saves nate

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IF HE WANTED A FAIR COMPARISSON, then William would have to say that Nathaniel looked as if he was a superhero recovering from a harsh night—a really harsh one. Like, being this guy who keeps his identity in secret and has to assist to his job with a pair of sunglasses in an attempt to cover how bad his face was after participating in a fight against crime, telling the weakest lie to his friends and others who asked because he wanted to protect them and he couldn't reveal his dark secret—the rule of a hero; completely understandable situation.

Except, that lately William hadn't heard anything about a guy with mask protecting the city, and then he was sure Nathaniel couldn't be a superhero. In fact, the only thing that was the truth from his previous comparison it was the deed that Nathaniel did say a pathetic lie (a really pathetic one like "I was distracted and hit a lamppost, hahaha") when Seth insisted in taking his sunglasses off because it would give him bad luck and the others in the room if he used them inside, where there was no sun. Seth's screams asking for Ben's help ended up bringing Santana's Lloyd attention to the scene, and it was him and only him who managed to make Nathaniel leave the sunglasses.

His face was painted in a dark purple spot; the color was deeper around his left eye, and then it mixed with red in the top of his cheek. His lips were cracked, and he had a similar scar in his nose—a detail that had already made anyone imagine that Nate had got into a fight (thus William thinking about superheroes and Skandar laughing against his awful lie), but now that his eyes were shown, it was definitely worst.

"Jesus, kid" Santana exclaimed. "Where the hell were you last night?"

"I..." Nathaniel was shivering. He wasn't telling the thing of the lamppost, right? But there were not quick words. He was probably thinking about how fired he was going to be in less than a minute. They'd been warned to behave, but there he was standing in front of his boss, without a proper excuse and a guilty expression all over his face.

But William was soon by his side too.

"It happened when we were coming from our ride together" he quickly spoke. What was he doing anyways? Nate filched at his side. Don't do this for me, his eyes yelled him. Stay away. "They tried to rob our things and he fought the guy... You should have seen him. It was almost unreal."

At his back, he heard a cough coming from Skandar.

Santana ignored the younger boy, his eyes pointing to Nate. "Is that true, York?"

"Yes, sir."

With a nod, Santana returned the sunglasses to him, speaking while he did it so. "Wear them until they're gone, and get some makeup. I don't want to see you again in this state. Am I clear? Now get back to work. Today we're practicing without scripts and then the costumes test."

They all started moving after that, leaving Nate and William right behind the group. Asking him to stop, Nate scratched the back of his head. "Thanks for that, Will. Seems you're really my golden Disney king, umh?"

He wanted to laugh. He always wanted to do that when Nate called him in that way. It made him quite happy.

"Don't you think I deserve an explanation?" William inquired, holding a smile.

Nate stayed frozen. Oh, oh. "We have to go. Santana said it. Sorry."


"It's something personal" the boy cut him.

"Well, yeah" Will nodded. "And it just got personal for me too as I'm playing my ass with Santana if he discovers we lied."

Nate shook his head, hesitating. It was not that William wished to push him to do something it didn't make him feel comfortable, but he really wanted to find out the reason of him being hurt. He knew he wouldn't feel ok if he didn't—he needed to assure that whatever that hurt he couldn't do it anymore; he wanted him to be safe.

"Promise you're not telling anyone" Nate finally answered, for Will's surprise. He had a grimace in his mouth while he spoke with a whisper. "I got into a fight, with my sister's boyfriend. The idiot took some of my money and he... He said other things of my parents too, and of Lena. I was... I was really angry, Will, and I just punched him. Lucky for me, he is taller and I suspect he goes to the gym" he laughed shortly, making Will smiled. "My sister broke up with him—again. I bet those two are seeing each other soon. Probably in a week."

"That really sucks" Will mumbled, not knowing what else to say. "But I'm sure he looks worse than you."

Nate smiled at his comment. "Oh, a lot worse. I'm really a fighter, golden Disney king."

"Sure you are, Nathaniel" he said. He smiled too then. "Thanks for trusting enough in me to tell me this."

The boy shrugged. "You can always trust in a golden Disney king. It's not our fault that they're so cute."

William chuckled. "Did you just say you think I'm cute?"

Were Nate's cheeks colored in pink in that moment? William blinked at the sight of it. He had blushed! "Well, yeah. You're kinda adorable, William Moseley."

He looked adorable too in that way too; blushed—no matter the rest of his face was still a total disaster. Nate's eyes were so blue after all, and then Will barely noticed the rest when he focused on them.

"So now we're using whole names?" he asked, joking.

Nate groaned. "You're the one who always insist in calling me Nathaniel."

Adorable, adorable.

"I liked it, I told you already."

"And I like it too" more blushing—completely adorable, definitely. William raised a brow. "You, calling me like that. It's... Nice."

Being with you is even nicer, Will felt the need to tell, but he only decided to smile once more.

Nathaniel smiled too, and Will could swear it: his eyes were so blue that suddenly, everything surrounding him turned into the same color.  

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