SIXTY-SIX: the news a fifth

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the news a fifth

sixty-six:the news a fifth

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A year has passed since the release of Prince Caspian, and after the announcing of Disney quitting to the rights of the saga to make a third movie, we ask ourselves: what happened with the Pevensies?-and Caspian, of course

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A year has passed since the release of Prince Caspian, and after the announcing of Disney quitting to the rights of the saga to make a third movie, we ask ourselves: what happened with the Pevensies?-and Caspian, of course. And Cam.

To answer some of our questions, we had the chance to speak to William Moseley and Nate York, who only some weeks ago were spot in the streets holding hands! (You read it right: they were holding hands!!!) When some fans stopped them to ask them for some pictures, Will and Nate showed no problem with being caught in such romantic form. Rumors were everywhere since both showed trough social media how close were to the other, and it seems Willate has become true after all!

And this is what the boys told us.

Sorry if I'm to direct, but I think we all saw your pictures. Since when are you together?

WM: (chuckles) Hard question.

NY: Oh, it's not that hard. I mean we had something before but... It all officially started some weeks after filming finished. So... Umh, I would say a year.

WM: I think I'd say since the day of your first interview.

NY: Nope. That did not count. Oh, now that I think on it it's a hard one. (laughs) We're going to say one year.

A whole year then? Wow. We would have never suspected anything if it wasn't for how you treated each other on your posts on Instagram.

WM: It was not the best time to make it public. We were too busy with the tours.

NY: The movie was a crazy ride. That's true. But we're together now. That's all that matters.

Ow, let me say that you're so cute together!

WM: I agree with that. Nate is the cutest.

NY: Oh, stop it, golden Disney king.

WM: Well, I'm not lying!

Do your families know about this?

WM: They know now after the pictures (more laughs). I'm kidding. I introduced Nate to my parents and my brother when we came back to London after everything... That was on December? They love him anyways.

NY: And Will already knew Lena, so yeah, I think everyone knows now.

So families know and you've been together for a whole year, is this a signal for something more serious?

WM: What do you mean with more serious? Nate is already my boyfriend.

Oh, I was talking about, you know a ring or...

NY: It's too soon for that. I'm only twenty-one and Will is twenty-two. We've talked about moving together, but I can't get to the idea of leaving my sister in our house. She's been there for me much before Will, so not yet. Sorry, I love her more than what I love you.

WM: But we're thinking in adopting a dog. That counts as something serious too?

A dog?

NY: We even have some names in the list...

WM: It was going to be Blue, wasn't it?

NY: Oh, not that joke again...

WM: Because our eyes match!

I would like to know everything about your relation, but I have some other questions too. Now that Narnia is over, what plans do you have for your future?

NY: We found a job together. In a theater in town.

WM: Just imagine this. It's our first day and we've just been accepted, and then, we're suddenly into sing lessons and we have to learn all those choreographies...

NY: I told you they were intense.

WM: (laughs) I see it now.

Another professional one. How do you think Narnia changed your life?

WM: It showed me a lot of things, as a person. I think I understand what Aslan was talking about when he told Peter he had grown up and learnt everything he could from that world. Because I feel the same. This project has made me grown not only as an actor but as a person, and it had given me the chances to met so incredibly people and travel and do things I would have never imagined. It changed my life completely. And it allowed me to meet Nate. Guess I couldn't ask for more.

NY: Skandar is right. You like to flatter yourself during interviews (both laugh). Will kinda said it all. Having the opportunity to be in the screen with the most talented group of actors... It was an honor. And with the sallary I finally put my life in order and I'm studying right now in college. I lost a year with everything that happened, but it's fine. I'm so glad for every little detail that brought me where I am right now. That inlcuding William, of course.

With Nate and William comfirming their relationship, I think we all know which one is our favorite couple!

The new projects of the Narnia cast

—  Skandar Keynes and Seth Prince finally talk about their "fight"

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