THIRTY: nate writes poems

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nate writes poems

thirty:nate writes poems

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yorkgog. shes still making me use them #thatsthelookshegivesmewheniforgotthemathomebeforegoingtowork

username1: he's a cutiiie

username2: he's going to ruin the movie

lenaliyork: and you forgot them today!!! 

yorkgog: ops? @lenaliyork

princeseth: pal, you wrote like a novel in that hashtag

yorkgog: it was a poem, actually @princeseth

lenaliyork: you're being unrespectful with your sister, nathaniel danny @yorkgog

goodproblemstohave: didn't know you write poetry, nathaniel!

username4: here comes will to flirt again, and you want us to believe that nothing is happening here😉😉

annapopplewell: @username4 i can confirm that nothing more than a friendship is happening here, honey

yorkgog: only do it in my free time, but recently i have had none @goodproblemstohave

princeseth: welcome to the franchise, pal

skandarkeynes: when you have the time, do you think you could write something about seth being the worst human alive? @yorkgog

princeseth: you're asking him to write a lie?? @skandarkeynes

yorkgog: i can try my best @skandarkeynes

goodproblemstohave: i want one too! @yorkgog

yorkgog: ofc youre getting one too, disney golden king @goodproblemstohave

username5: does anyone elses feel breathless every time nate writes the 'disney golden prince' thing???

username5: tell me i'm not the only one lol

benbarnes: that's my bro👻

lenaliyork: HE'S NOT @benbarnes

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