FIFTY-SIX: will looks at nate

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will looks at nate

fifty-six:will looks at nate

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yorkgog. someone tell him to stop seeing me like that cause i cant continue explaining the nutcracker


username2: so you're confirming your relationship??

username3: my boyfriend 

username4: nate's boyfriend**** @username3

goodproblemstohave: you are a nice storyteller, vincent van blue. i've to see you with admiration!

username5: that's clearly LOVE, not admiration @goodproblemstohave

yorkgog: you are literally still looking at me, stop it please @goodproblemstohave

goodproblemstohave: but our eyes m a t c h @yorkgog

princeseth: how can nate be a good storyteller if he's using his phone while he tells a story???

benbarnes: what are they doing together after midnight will be a better question @princeseth

goodproblemstohave: we weren't tired @benbarnes

yorkgog: we werent tired @benbarnes

username6: they were not TIRED omg omg omg

goodproblemstohave: @username6 not in that sense! nate and i are just friends, and respect that, thanks xx

annapopplewell: go and get some sleep!

skandarkeynes: so mama is here

annapopplewell: what are you doing still awaken? we finished discussing the barbie thing like half an hour ago @skandarkeynes

skandarkeynes: i might have searched the movie and i'm watching it🤷🏻‍♂️ @annapopplewell

yorkgog: thought you hate it @skandarkeynes

skandarkeynes: i actually do @yorkgog

goodproblemstohave: ok, we're on our way to your room @skandakeynes

princeseth: boys' night👀

skandarkeynes: you're not invited, sorry @princeseth

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