TWENTY-THREE: nate learns a thing

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nate learns a thing

twenty-three:  nate learns a thing

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yorkgog. this is the face of a person who just realized chocolate can be pronounced in two whole different ways #threeyearsinenglandandstilldontgetthelanguage

username1: he's so ugly i can't

username2: @username1 he's an angel i can't*

username1: @username2 i know what i wrote

lenaliyork: no, you don't, hon @username1

benbarnes: i tried to make you say it right when we first met but you're quite impossible👍

yorkgog: @benbarnes i dont remember that part of our dinner

benbarnes: @yorkgog i'll act like that doesn't hurt my feeelings... but it did hurt.

princeseth: @benbarnes sensitive as always, our dear ben

benbarnes: at least i have a heart and feelings? @princeseth

skandarkeynes: ouch @benbarnes @princeseth

princeseth: @skandarkeynes oh, i missed your comments, skan! where were you all this time?

goodproblemstohave: @benbarnes umhh, it only took us half an hour for nate to learn it

yorkgog: @goodproblemstohave it was only ten minutes

goodproblemstohave: @yorkgog really? kinda felt like an eternity for me

yorkgog: @goodproblemstohave no, the eternity part was when you started inventing words

goodproblemstohave: @yorkgog worcestershire does exist!

username2: is this heaven?????


username3: the interaction we all have wanted to see omg omg omg


yorkgog: @goodproblemstohave whatever you say, golden disney king


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goodproblemstohave. and this is the face of a person who still can't accept that 'worcestershire' does exist!

yorkgog: it does not

goodproblemstohave: i showed you the proofs! @yorkgog

yorkgog: internet lies @goodproblemstohave

username1: my eyes been blessed🙌🏼

username2: i love these boyfriends💜💙🧡💚💛❤️💚🧡💙

username3: like what's going on?

username1: @username3 didn't you see nate's profile?

username3: @username1 omg i just did. THIS IS A NEW SHIP. WE NEED A NAME

username4: really, guys? they're literally just hanging out and you already invent a whole story. grow up, please!

annapopplewell: i truly love the quality of the picture

goodproblemstohave: don't mess with my photo's quality! @annapopplewell

annapopplewell: @goodproblemstohave i'm exactly doing that

georgiehenley: anna getting savage @goodproblemstohave @annapopplewell

goodproblemstohave: georgie writing savage? @georgiehenley

skandarkeynes: i'm feeling ofensed because that was my thing @goodproblemstohave @annapopplewell @georgiehenley

skandarkeynes: @username3 how about willate?

princeseth: @skandarkeynes sounds like the most weirdo food for me. nathalliam is better, just saying

skandarkeynes: @princeseth is that a princess name?

georgiehenley: @princeseth @skandarkeynes i have to agree with skandar this time. nathalliam is awful, sorry

annapopplewell: none of them are good, actually. and i don't know why you need a name for a friendship @princeseth @skandarkeynes @georgiehenley

skandarkeynes: the coolest frienships have the coolest name. rule of gold @annapopplewell

princeseth: @skandarkeynes and what's your name with william?

skandarkeynes: we don't need one cause we're brothers, not friends @princeseth

benbarnes: 🤔so you're all discussing about a name and no one had yet asked about why were nate and will together? really?

annapopplewell: @benbarnes we all knew nate visited will yesterday

skandarkeynes: yeah, buddy. there was even an article about that @benbarnes

goodproblemstohave: an article? @skandarkeynes

benbarnes: well, the only time i knew everything and it gets ruined. thanks guys🙄

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