THIRTEEN: skandar suggests a beer

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skandar suggests a beer

PRIVATE CHATwill the magnificentand skandar the just

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will the magnificent
and skandar the just

will the magnificent
i did something

skandar the just
i have to prepare myself for this
give me ten seconds

will the magnificent

skandar the just
ok, you can start

now tell me the stupid thing i'm sure you did

will the magnificent
it was stupid

skandar the just
what a surprise

will the magnificent
i probably have invited nate to go out for a tea

skandar the just
a tea?
like that hot drink we put in cups??

will the magnificent

skandar the just
let me say this the nicest i can
what the bloody fuck were you thinking?

will the magnificent
ohh, you never used the bloody fuck before
getting creative

skandar the just
inspiration came naturally after reading about what you dork did

will the magnificent
so it was really bad?

skandar the just
did he accept?

will the magnificent
eh, nop

skandar the just
then yes
why even a tea?
i mean, they're like tons of bars and restaurants in the city but william wanted to have a tea so yei

will the magnificent
in my defense he was sick and i was trying to help

skandar the just
you could have helped with idk A BEER like any other man
fun fact: when you're drunk you sing and dance
i'm sure nate would have felt better with that
i usually do
you're so funny to see
remember that time you threw up in that giant?
and how he wanted to kill you??
that was funny funny

will the magnificent
if my memory doesn't betray me you had a purple eye the next morning!

skandar the just
well guess who fought the giant while you kept singing i want it that way?
i never imagined you were a backstreet boy
but when i think about it i just watch the videos from that night and yeah
you have an ugly voice

will the magnificent
i wanted to talk about nate
but thanks for bringing back that lovely story

skandar the just
you interrupted my time with my girlfriend
you deserved no less

will the magnificent
and what should i do????

skandar the just
next time offer a damn beer and not a bloody tea

will the magnificent
got it

skandar the just
and stop worrying about nate
remember he's a friend of prince

will the magnificent
repeat me why you hate seth so much

skandar the just
don't act like you don't know the story

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