TWENTY: nate thanks will

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nate thanks will

twenty:  nate thanks will

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from: nathaniel
to: moseley

❝hey, Will. i didn't want to bother you, so i left without saying goodbye because you were still sleeping. thanks for helping me last night no matter if i'm almost a stranger and i basically said you were my third option. you're really a golden disney king... umh, i'm sorry we didn't have the chance to have a proper chat because i didn't feel in the mood of talking and you know, i was pretty much tired. if you ever need something i can help you with, you know where to find me. see ya.❞

from: lena💥
to: lil nate💙

❝i'm so sorry, Nate. i love you and i don't know what happened yesterday. i dumped Eli and he's not in the house anymore. i swear i'm the worst sister in the world and i... just come back, please. i love you, i love you.❞

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