TWENTY-EIGHT: the golden disney king thinks on a name

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the golden disney king thinks on a name

twenty-eight:the golden disney king thinks on a name

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golden disney king
and nathaniel

golden disney king
since when did you change my name?

last time i checked, your name was still william moseley
didnt know i had the power to change that

golden disney king
funny as always!
you know what i mean
the nickname here
and just to add, i'm william peter moseley

like your character?
high king peter?
peter the magnificent?
you see the irony or i have to continue?

golden disney king
i see the irony
the universe wanted me in that role
what can i say
i am magnificent

the magnificent thing was part of the joke

golden disney king
i like how you're mean to me but not in the level of seth or skandar
they're mean boys
but you're different to them

emh, thanks?

golden disney king
oh shit
sorry if that was weird
it was super weird, right?

totally fine
i already got used to that

golden disney king
hahaha funny again
btw i already got used to the fact that you never write correcly the words

thats because im lazy, not silly

golden disney king
wow, you're so kind
i don't know how did i ever compare you with skandar or seth
you, nathaniel, are an angel of heaven

and youre a dramatic golden disney king

golden disney king
and that reminds me to our first question that you've been avoiding
since when?

i was not avoiding it
umh, in the last time we talked
i guess on tuesday?

golden disney king
ohhh, great

does it bothers you?

golden disney king
it's just that now i feel that i have to give you a name too
and i can't think of any right now

you dont have to
its not your fault your not as creative as me

golden disney king
ooook, you've been hanging around with seth a lot
i want to do it anyways
what about lost prince? like your character

skandar calls me like that too

golden disney king
then i'll think better

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