FOURTY: will can't forget

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will can't forget

fourty:  will can't forget

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goodproblemstohave. probably can't notice it, but his blue eyes match with mine!

username1: i know what nate said in the interview but i don't believe shit

username2: WILLATE

username3: nate is the worst

skandarkeynes: he's wearing sunglasses, ofc we cannot see his eyes

yorkgog: youre not getting over it soon, am i right?

goosproblemstohave: i'd never forget it, vincent van blue @yorkgog

goodproblemstohave: it's probably the best thing someone has said about me in a tv. thanks for the honour! @yorkgog

yorkgog: youre really the worst @goodproblemstohave

goodproblemstohave: but our eyes are so blueee @yorkgog

yorkgog: yeah, we are blue too @goodproblemstohave

princeseth: that was my favorite part of the program yesterday. basically nate laughing uncomfortable and babbling without knowing what to say about will lmao

skandarkeynes: @princeseth who even cares

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