THIRTY-ONE: nate loves lena

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nate loves lena

thirty-one:nate loves lena

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yorkgog. sometimes she loves me #whenshesnotmadbecauseiforgotmyglasses

georgiehenley: 💕💕💕

annapopplewell: nate, you're really one of the cutest persons i've ever met🤗💓

benbarnes: @annapopplewell :(

lenaliyork: now you're not being unrespectful, niiiice

lenaliyork: and i always love you, silly nathaniel danny💖... except when you're a dick

skandarkeynes: we're still cuter, just saying @annapopplewell

skandarkeynes: and i know i am the cutest person you ever met, so i don't get jelous as ben @annapopplewell

princeseth: study your lines better!!!! i want no interruptions by your fault tomorrow😤

yorkgog: i am studying @princeseth

princeseth: 😤😤😤😤 @yorkgog

lenaliyork: chill, prince. i can assure you that nate IS studying. he just asked our neighbor to pronounce a sentence and recorded it so he can imitate the accent. kinda funny but really professional if you ask me, so chiiiill @princeseth

yorkgog: that was our secret, len. but thanks for sharing it

goodproblemstohave: want some help? @yorkgog

yorkgog: promise to not invent strange words? @goodproblemstohave

goodproblemstohave: nop @yorkgog

yorkgog: then youre hired @goodproblemstohave

goodproblemstohave: so you'll pay me?? i was going to do it for free @yorkgog

yorkgog: how funny, golden disney king @goodproblemstohave

username1: these boyfriends are killing me😭😭😭

username2: they're not boyfriends!!! @username1

username: ofc not, they're still flirting @username2

yourelituring: my girlfriend is the prettiest

lenaliyork: @yourelituring 😍😍


lil nate💙
and lena💥

lil nate💙
eli again?
what the hell is wrong with you?

he's different now!!
and i still love him, nate
he's just really, really important to me
i know what happened before
and he's so ashamed for that
can you give him a chance?

lil nate💙
i can tell him to fuck off from our lifes forever

lil nate💙
i only hope you know what youre doing

lil nate💙
and youre not
jesus, len
hes going to hurt you again
but you are not listening anything i say anyways
you never do

thanks, nate!!!
i know you'd understand
i love youuu

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