TWENTY-FOUR: skandar is still the best brother

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skandar is still the best brother

PRIVATE CHATwill the magnificentand skandar the just

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will the magnificent
and skandar the just

skandar the just
so you finaly had your tea

will the magnificent
we're talking now?

skandar the just
if you have had enough of missing me and insulting my girlfriend, ofc
why not

will the magnificent
i guess that if you have had enough of posting my private videos, then i agree too
"why not"

skandar the just
look, i'm sorry
it was stupid
but you get a little crazy when it comes to your career

will the magnificent
probably because it's where i get the money to live?

skandar the just
you could always become a professional singer
backstreet boys vol. 2 stand alone

will the magnificent
well, i'm magnificent after all

skandar the just
oh, you did not use that word

will the magnificent
oh, i totally did

( skandar the just changed will the magnificent to willy globby )

skandar the just
better now
nature is in order again

willy globby
what changed your mind?

skandar the just
let's say that i probably got jelous when i saw you and nate together
and when i read that article that called you 'the perfect duo'
it's so obvious we are the perfect duo
and i kinda missed messing with you
or just you neh

willy globby
of course you missed me
because i'm THE magnificent

skandar the just
it's not even funny now
but i will laugh because we just become friends again
so hahahaha
clearly a comedian👏

willy globby
i'll be here all the weekend!

skandar the just
so then i won't:)

willy globby
i missed you too, buddy

skandar the just
yeah, that usually happens with everyone

willy globby
don't ruin the moment

skandar the just
you know that's what i'm good at it

and nathaniel

you were right!
i can't believe skandar did exactly what you thought
thanks for the idea, nathaniel!

i told you i wanted to do something nice for you
so yeah, you are welcome

he's coming to my house later, do you want to come too?

i think you need your time
but thanks for the invitation, disney golden king

it's funny, don't you think?
i used to be afraid of you tbh and now we're friends
we're friends, right?

why were you even afraid of me?

i was afraid of things getting weirdo between us for the movie 
i thought kissing you was going to be so uncomfortable hahahaha


is skandar going tomorrow?

nop. he has a date with his girlfriend. why?

i can visit you then if you want to

yes, of course!
being trapped in my house i really lonely, ha ha

and will, about the thing of us being friends
do you like the killers?

i know some of their songs

then we can be in our way

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