TWENTY-NINE: georgie gets evil

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georgie gets evil

twenty-nine:georgie gets evil

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skandarkeynes. i love when i find these pictures of william

goodproblemstohave: that is because you love me

skandarkeynes: @goodproblemstohave stop lying, willy globby. lies are for the bad people!

georgiehenley: ows, will looks really cute💕

annapopplewell: but you're the CUTEST, georgie @georgiehenley

georgiehenley: i know it💕 @annapopplewell

skandarkeynes: emh, since when this girl is like that?? 

princeseth: told ya you were a bad influence @skandarkeynes

skandarkeynes: i thought i had blocked you lmao @princeseth


goodproblemstohave: please don't! @username1

yorkgog: nice pic, disney golden king

goodproblemstohave: i'm a model, what can i say

annapopplewell: william being a considered person, a w e s o m e

skandarkeynes: i taught him that @annapopplewell

georgiehenley: that's probably the worst thing you ever wrote! @skandarkeynes

skandarkeynes: georgie, stop being so rude. you're kind and a sweetheart, i'm the rude one here @georgiehenley

georgiehenley: evil has won @skandarkeynes

username1: have you noticed that nate is now more active in social media?

username2: EXACTLY. he barely posted a picture or comment of pictures, and now he's everywhere

username3: ugh, i really hate him

username4: and he's a good friend of will. nice coincidence🤔

username5: i've said this a thousand of times: THEY'RE NOT GAYS. remember that william had a girlfriend like a year ago? and nate has a picture kissing a girl in his instagram too

benbarnes: what had my eyes just read?

yorkgog: georgie is the best pevensie, sorry guys

goodproblemstohave: i thought you like me the best! @yorkgog

princeseth: am i the only one who caught it in another sense?

skandarkeynes: nop @princeseth

yorkgog: no, william. youre not my favorite @goodproblemstohave

username6: @username5 and you said...?

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