SIXTY-ONE: nate is famous

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nate is famous

sixty-one:nate is famous

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lenaliyork. you know that feeling when you walk on the street with your brother and then a random girl asks you to take her a picture with him?.... i discovered it today

username1: he is in one movie and already believes he's famous🙄

username2: well, technichally he is lol @username1

lenaliyork: sorry, but please remember me the last time you were in a movie and a random girl asked your sister to take her a picture with you @username1

benbarnes: burn @username1

princeseth: stop with that, kelso @benbarnes

skandarkeynes: and then anna is jackie? @princeseth

annapopplewell: i am better than jackie! she was mean @skandarkeynes

benbarnes: sure you are, babe💗

yorkgog: what tf is happening here

lenaliyork: that use of words was pretty rude, nathaniel danny @yorkgog

yorkgog: says who? @lenaliyork

lenaliyork: the person who has the keys from the house? @yorkgog

yorkgog: that was convicing @lenaliyork

georgiehenley: why so many phones?

yorkgog: dont want to show myself off, but they were many girls @georgiehenley

goodproblemstohave: ce-le-bri-ty🤭

yorkgog: na-tu-ra-lly yes @goodproblemstohave


username3: just as a fun fact, i recognized nate from his last play, not from the movie?)

yorkgog: oh, really? cool. which one? @username3

username3: 'and his name was louis'. i think it was an original one? i totally loved you and i can't believe we're talking aldjdlsksksk @yorkgog

princeseth: it's an instagram post, but alright. "talking"

yorkgog: yes, it was an original one. louis was a great writer and he loved himself enough to use it in the title, haha. i thought nobody would remember it, and i was only the brother that appears in two acts, but thank you for being there and being so nice:) @username3

skandarkeynes: wait

skandarkeynes: was that a smiling face? from nate?

princeseth: he's finally showing emotions with someone that's not william😲

lenaliyork: excuse me? @princeseth

princeseth: ...and lena

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