THIRTY-FOUR: will decides the "vincent van blue"

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will decides the "vincent van blue"

thirty-four:will decides the "vincent van blue"

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golden disney king
and nathaniel

golden disney king
i can't believe i haven't think in a good nickname for you yet
you shouldn't have mercy with me

not killing you for that, dont worry

golden disney king
ok, help me a bit
do you even have a second name?

just because you confessed the william peter thing...
my full name is nathaniel danny york

golden disney king
nathaniel danny??
that's the short for nathaniel daniel, right?

i wish it was
it is nathaniel danny
funny story, but my dad wanted to call me nathaniel daniel
and mom told him he was an idiot for that
you know, nathaniel daniel sounds like funny
so mom got this fabulous idea of using the danny to make dad happy
and here am i paying the consequences of their decisions
"nathaniel danny"

golden disney king
i think nathaniel danny is funnier than nathaniel daniel

thanks for the support

golden disney king
not joking, for real
nathaniel danny is really, really funny

screw you, golden disney king
golden disney kings are supposed to be nice, cute and kinds. not like this

golden disney king
c'mon, i'm your golden disney king
you still looove me

golden disney king
oh god (undelivered)

course i do, its all your fault
why did you want to know about my name? too late to start the stalking, dont you think?

golden disney king
i thought it might give me ideas for your nickname
didn't work
now i'm just laughing for the nathaniel danny thing
because it's soooo funny
but umhhh
what about your username?
what does "yorkgog" even means?
i get the york part, but "gog"?
is it some type of reference to the killers?
i know you love em'

those were a lot of messages
you type fast
its for vincen van gogh
you know, the painter

golden disney king
ohhh interesting
so you like his paintings?

theyre nice
and bright
and with heart
yeah, i liked them

golden disney king
i think i have something
oh god
i know it!!!
drums for this........
"vincent van blue"!!!

that was fast
but why blue and not just gogh at the end?

golden disney king
you used the gogh in your username already
aaand, you have blue eyes
i thought it'll fit

( golden disney king changed nathaniel to vincent van blue )

vincent van blue
it really does
wow, so you were creative at the end
i feel kinda proud here

golden disney king
you really like it??

vincent van blue
ofc i did
what i liked the most is that you were so worried about it
you made it something specia

golden disney king
well, it was supposed to be special!

golden disney king
you're special for me (undelivered)

golden disney king
what the fuck was that? (undelivered)

golden disney king
are you feeling the same? (undelivered)

golden disney king
this is so confusing HELP (undelivered)

vincent van blue
i guess its even more special because it comes from you, golden disney king

golden disney king
don't say those kind of things, please (undelivered)

golden disney king
night, vincent van blue

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