ELEVEN: skandar hates seth

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skandar hates seth

  eleven:skandar hates seth

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princeseth. princes' power🤘

username1: i can't wait to see our perfect boy seth in narnia💖💖💖💖

username2: seth is the best thing that narnia movie has, tbh


username4: HUSBAND

lenaliyork: UHHH WRONG. the best thing narnia has is my handsome brother!!! wear some glasses please @username2

skandarkeynes: where is nate? i see the 'princes' in the description, and i'm sure you're talking about nate but i see no prince in the picture, sorry

princeseth: @skandarkeynes nate and asked me to not be in the picture, and you know THERE IS a prince in there😜

skandarkeynes: the prince thing with you is only something of a last name @princeseth

lenaliyork: i trust king edmund can handle this, but i want to add that i have tons of pics with nate on instagram and guess what? he never said no to one @skandarkeynes @princeseth

skandarkeynes: i'm feeling a strange joy in here... @lenaliyork @princeseth

princeseth: why are you even so mean to me, mate? as far as i can remember i've only seen you like one time in my whole life @skandarkeynes

skandarkeynes: YOU DID NOT WROTE THAT ASSHOLE (not posted)

yorkgog: thanks for not posting the one where i was sneezing @princeseth

lenaliyork: sorry what???? @yorkgog

yorkgog: i have the flu, remember? my nose is all red and i sneeze a lot @lenaliyork

yorkgog: thats why i didnt want to be in the picture, actually. sorry for ruining your teories of me hating seth

skandarkeynes: so now you're a friend of prince, great. you're officially out of our group @yorkgog

benbarnes: why wasn't i invited to that group:( seth is not my friend @skandarkeynes

princeseth: i'm feeling a strange JOY IN HERE... @skandarkeynes @lenaliyork

yorkgog: can mess with skandar, but leave my sister alone @princeseth

skandarkeynes: alright. we lost him

lenaliyork: i'm feeling a strange I'M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS IN HERE... @princeseth

goodproblemstohave: i hope you get better from your flu soon! @yorkgog

skandarkeynes: william wtf did you just do. nate has betrayed us @goodproblemstohave

yorkgog: thanks @goodproblemstohave

goodproblemstohave: you're welcome, nathaniel! @yorkgog

skandarkynes: TRAITOR READ AGAIN TRAITOR @goodproblemstohave

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