Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 2!

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 Episode: Season 3 Episode 1

Part: 2


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everthing happens in this show/fandom


~A shop, day~

A redheaded man walked into a clothing shop and walked up to a blonde woman.

"Excuse me." He said.

"Yes?" The woman asked.

He placed a hand on her shoulder and nods towards a sho diplay across the room. "Those are....nice shoes."

"Oh, yeah. They are nice." She said, looking at them. She approached the display,where a burnette woman was looking at a pair of green pumps. She kept looking at them. "Those are nice shoes."

"Aren't they?"

"I want them." 

"Sorry. Last pair." The burnette took them and went to the register, the Blonde ooking at her intensly.

The blonde followed the burnette woman, who was now carrying a shopping bag, out to her car.

"Excuse me. I want those shoes." The blonde said.

"What, are you crazy? No."

The blonde then attacked the burnette. "What-what the-?" The blonde viciously slams the burnette's head into the windshield of her car. he cracks open her head and blood gushed out. The blonde took the bag and walked off like nothing happened.


Policemen were taking forensic evidence at the murder scene, Sam watched.

Inside the store, Dean was chatting up a witness, a young blonde woman, he rests a hand on her shoulder.

"What happened outside makes you realize how fragile life really is. You got to make every second count."

She nodded. (M/n) walked up and cleared his throat.

"You of all people would know that." The demon said, smiling a bitter smile.

"Excuse me a minute, would you?"  The witness nodded and left.

"Dean, this could possibly be a demon attack and it seens like your playing games."

"Well, I'm sorry, I don't have much time-"

"I'm sick of hearing about how much time you have! If you hadn't told me not too, I would have found that demon and killed it. Just....Just please, stop saying it." Dean saw the tears in the demons eyes and how his voice broke while talking. Dean looked down to see the ring he gave the boy still on his finger. He pulled the demon into a hug.

"Okay...Okay, I'll stop talking about it around you."

Bobby and Sam entered. Bobby was in a suit, his hair slicked back. Dean and (M/n) pulled away from each other and looked at Bobby, impressed.

"Whoa." Dean whistled. "Looking spiffy, Bobby. What were you, a G-man?"

"Attorney for the D.A's office. I just spoke to the suspect."

"Yeah? So, what do you think? Is she possessed or what?" The demon asked.

"Don't think so. There's none of the usual signs- no blackouts, no loss of control. Totally lucid. Just, she really wanted those shoes. Spilled a glass of holy water on her jus to be sure, nothing."

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