Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 15!

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Made a story type thing for people who don't have Instagram, its called "My Life" ad will have pictures of whatever I feel like putting up at the time, so yeah, enjoy!


Episode: Season 3 Episode 5

Part: 2


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


~Street, day~

The three were walking down the road. Dean was looking at (M/n)'s drawing.

"Boy, this is a piece of, uh, art. Really." Dean laughed. (M/n) snatched the notebook back.

"Yeah, like you could've done any better." (M/n) frowned.

"Aw, I'm only kidding." Dean wrapped an arm around the demon's shoulders.

"So what did the Doc have to say about Kyle's brothers?" Sam asked his brother.

"Not much, they were D.O.A. at the scene. He did give me the lowdown on the cornoer's report."

"Lemme guess, their hearts were missing."

"Nope." The oldest brother sighed. "But chunks of their kidneys, lungs and intestines." 

"That's just gross." (M/n) commented.

"Yeah, also definitely not werewolf behavior."

"So, what? Demon? Attacker could've been possessed."

"Why woud a demon stop halfway through an attack?" Dean asked, (M/n) nodding.

"I think that, uh....Could've....Yeah, I got nothing."

"Me neither."

~Woods, Day~

Julie and Ken were hiking through the woods. 

"Man, I'm starving. Hey, where are all the power bars?" Ken asked, looking through his backpack.

"You ate them all. And we're lost." The woman whined.

"We're not lost! he path is, right here." The two walk on. At a break in the trees, they suddenly see a quaint house. Smoke rising fromt the chimney.

"Look, there."

"Oh, civilization."


"Thank god."

The two walked towards the house along a wide path. The front door opened and a cheerful old lady stepped out with a cane.

"Are you two doing okay?" She asked them.

"Hi! Actually, we're, uh-"

"Lost." Julie finished Kens sentence.

"Oh, it happens. The trail gets twisty and my house in the only one left up here. Um, I could point you in the right direction, but I'm afraid it'll take a while to get back."

Ken then spotted a pie cooling at the open window. He stared at it.

"You're really deep into the woods."

Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 3!Where stories live. Discover now