Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 30!

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Episode: Season 3 Episode 9

Part: 3


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


~Van Allen House, night~

Ron was standing in the doorway to a room that two women with sitting on the sofa.

"All right, all right. I'm going. I'm not fooled by your little book club by the way. I know what you ladies get up to when I'm gone. It's all dish and gossip." The women laugh as Elizabeth walks in and joins Ron in the doorway.

"Hi Ron."

"Oh, hello Elizabeth. I mean, when's the last time anyone actually brought a book?"

"Good night, Ron." Tammi and Renee say in unison.

"All right." He leaves and as soon as the door closes behind him, Beth goes into the room, seemingly upset.

"He doesn't know? You didn't tell him?"

"About Amanda? Oh, I think that's book club business, don't you?"

Tammi gets a candle holder with tree tapers in it and sets it on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

"Thank you Tammi." Renee said.

"The police just took away her body, and what? We're just gonna pretend it didn't happen?"

"We loved Amanda."

"It's true."

"We know that she was a little....unstable."

"Also true."

"And we have to face it, she probably killed Janet Dutton."

"People just don't spit their teeth all of a sudden."

Renee shakes her head in agreement with Tammi.

"We have to stop. We have to stop Book Club. This has all gone too far."

Renee gets up from the sofa. "Elizabeth, just take a deep breath. Calm down."

"We can't.....Stop."

"But people are dying!"

Renee scoffs. "Amanda killed herself yes. And yes, she killed Janet. Awful, awful business of course, but that's all over now and think about what Book Club has gotten us hmmm? Your husbands promotion, that little trip to Hawaii that you won. And what about me? My home pottery business is finally taking off and you just wanna stop? Do you wanna stop?" 

Beth shakes her head no, and Renee claps her hand together. "Kay, now come on, we don't have much time, Ron gets back from his Fantasy Football in an hour."

The three of them start getting ready for 'Book Club' which is their witches coven meeting by putting a cloth with a demonic symbol on it down on the table, putting the 'Book of Shadows' in the middle of it, and lighting the candles in the candle holder.

"Book of Shadows we kneel before you, let us serve your master as you serve us. Books of shadows we kneel before you, let us serve your master-" They all read.

~Elizabeth's Garden, day~

Elizabeth was turning soil in her garden with a small trowel when the three walked up to her.

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