Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 41!

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This episodes gonna be rough, as I'm not sure what I'm doing.


Episode: Season 3 Episode 13

Part: 1


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


~Living Room, Day~

Harry Spengler and Ed Zeddmore sitting in easy chairs in front of a fireplace, dressed in formal wear and holding brandy glasses.

"Hello. I am Harry Spengler."

"And I'm Ed Zeddmore. Now if you have received this tape, you must be some sort of bigwig network executive. Well, today is your lucky day, mister."

"Because the unsolicited pilot you are about to watch is the bold new future of 'reality tv.'"

"Mmmm. We know you've had it hard during the crippling writer's strike."

"Lazy fat cats."

"Who needs writers when you've got guys like us?"

Harry gestured and reached for a cheap dimmer switch.

"Our team faced horrible horrors to bring you the footage that will change your world forever. So strap in for the scariest hour in the history of television."

"In the history or your life...."

"Strap in for...."


~In a suburban Neighborhood~

Harry and Ed exit an AMC Gremlin with Wisconsin license plates, each carrying a metal briefcase with a "Ghostfacers" sticker.

"You know, it can get kind of hard balancing our daytime careers with our nighttime missions."

"Yeah, but Ed and I pretty much call the shots at the Kinko's where we work, so we can usually pretty much get off by six every night?"

"Yeah, six o'clock. It used to be just, you know, you and I taking on cases. Just Harry and me."

"Two lone wolves."

"And two lone wolves need, uh...Other wolves."


~Ghostfacers "Office", Day~

"Morning, 'facers." Ed said.

"Good morning, Ghostfacers." Harry said also.

"It's seven p.m., dude." A guy named Spruce said.

"It's morning to a Ghostfacer. Corbett, what do we got, buddy?"

"Oh, I'm just putting up some of the-"

"Yeah, this has got to go up here. That's got to go here. Got to see the whole field. Markers, easer- good job." Ed interrupted Corbett, telling him where to put the pics on a board.

"I first saw Ed putting up flyers down at the- the outlet mall in Scogan, so I-I read one, and I thought to myself, 'huh. Where do ghosts come from?' And now here I am."

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