Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 8!

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Episode: Season 3 Episode 3

Part: 2


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


The three ventured further into the storage. Dean aimed his flashlight on the skull and shook his head, laughing. Sam looked on a desk while (M/n) picked up a trophy on a shelf, scraping the dust off.


"No way! That's my division championship soccer trophy. I can't believe he kept this." Sam said.

"Yeah...It was probably about closest you ever came to being a boy." Dean wandered over to another find. "Oh, wow! It's my first sawed off. I made is myself. Sixth grade." Dean laughed and pumped the shotgun.

(M/n) walked further into the place and opened a door to the back room. The chain was cut. The three enter and looked around.

"Holy crap. Look at this, he had land mines....Which they didn't take. Or the guns. I  guess they know what they were after, huh?"

Sam spotted a box inscribed with symbols on a far shelf. "Hey, check this out. See these symbols? That's binding magic. These are curse boxes."

"Curse boxes? Th-they're supposed to keep the evil mojo in, right, kinda like the Pandora deal?"

"Yeah. Yeah, they're built to contain the power of the cursed object."

"Well, dad's journal did mention a whole bunch of stuff, you know? Dangerous hexed items, fetishes....He never did say where they ended up." Dean said.

"Yeah. Well this must be his toxic waste dump." They noticed a rectangular shape in the dust and Sam ran his finger along he dust. "One box is missing....Great."

"Well, maybe they didn't open it." The demon said.

~Wayne and Grossman's apartment, day~

"Come on man, let's open it." Grossman begged.

"Shut up about the damn box!"

Inside the apartment of petty thieves, Wane was sitting on the couch, his left shoulder bleeding from a gunshot wound. The missing curse box was on the coffee table.

"Do you see what's happing here? I am literally! Bleeding! To death!"

"Uh, I'm gonna open it."


"Look what if this is really worth something? What, we should just hand it over to her? Hey, we took all the risk. Well, Wayne. You got shot. And all for a lousy few hundred bucks. New we could make more, selling whatever it is ourselves." The man opened the lock to the box and lifted the lid. Wayne got up from the couch to see what's inside.


"Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me!?" He picked up the object from the box. "It's a rabbit foot. It's a rabbit's foot, Grossman! I'm gonna die for a damn rabbit's foot!"

The two men were interrupted by a banging on the front door.

"Oh, great. Now what?" Wayne slammed the rabbit's foot down on the table while Grossman answered the door.

"Oh, hey Foster."

"Hey, listen guys, not to be a drag it nothing but it's six o'clock in the morning!"


"Can't you keep it down!?"

"No we....Just got a situation here is all, sorry."

"What the hell happened to you?" Foster turned to Wayne.

"Shotgun happened to me."

~Apartment block~

The three men pulled up in an alley beside the apartment block, next to another car. Dean leaned out and checks the plates on the car. "Connecticut. Last three digits 880."

"Yep, that's it."

"Should've blacked out their plates before they parked in front of the security camera...."

~W&G's apartment~

Wayne and Grossman were playing poker.

"Four kings."

"Unbelievable." Grossman groaned.

"You see that?" Wayne laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"Deal 'em up again."

Sam, Dean, and (M/n) break inside, armed, and sneak inside.

"Royal Flush. Grossman, that's the second Royal Flush in eight hands."

"Yeah, this is a lot of fun."

"I can't lose. I mean really, I-I can't lose!" Wayne grabbed the rabbit's foot. "Maybe this thing really works? You know what I'm saying? Ah-I tell you something there's no way in hell we are handing it over to that stuck-up bitch now, not after all we've been through. Uh uh. Let's go, huh? Lets get out of here, let's go have some fun."

The three burst into the room, guns drawn.


"Don't move!"


"What is this?"


"All right, give us the box. And please tell me that you didn't-"

"Oh they did."

"You opened it?!" (M/n) shoved Wayne against the wall.

"Are you guys the cops?"

"Why'd you open it?!" 

"ARE YOU GUYS THE COPS!?" Wayne yelled.

"What was in it?"

Wayne glanced over at the coffee table where the rabbit foot sits. The demon followed his gaze. 

"Oh, was that is, huh? It was wasn't it? What is that thing?"

Wayne used (M/n('s distraction to know the gun from the demons hand. It falls on the floor, causing it to fir. The bullet ricochets off a radiator and hit Sam's gun, causing his to drop it. The same bullet then hit a lamp. Sam and Grossman both for Sam's gun. Grossman pushed Sam into (M/n). (M/n) fell into the coffee table, launching the rabbit's foot into the air.


While all were fighting. Sam got the foot. Wayne pulled the trigger on Sam, but the gun jammed. Wayne panicked and tried to clear the chamber, while  Dean got up and tried to stop him. Wayne was surprised and stumbled back, tripping over the rug and knocked himself out on the couch. Sam, Dean, and (M/n) looked at eachother. Grossman got up and tried to point the gun at Sam.


As the man moved forward, the books on a shelf behind him fell off suddenly and onto his head, knocking him out cold. Sam's gun flies out of his hand and Sam caught it. Dean and (M/n) looked astounded.

"That was lucky! Is that a rabbit foot!?" Dean asked.

Sam held it up. "I think it is."



Little shorter then usual. Wasn't feeling this part today that much. Will make the next one longer tho, just to make it up

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