Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 23!

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Episode: Season 3 Episode 7

Part: 3


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


~Alley, night~

Gordon and Kubrick walk towards the boys, firing their guns.

The boys dive behind a parked car and managed t0 avoid getting shot. Thwey duck behind a wall and crouched, panting. The two men shooting soon stopped to reload.

"All right. Run. I'll draw them off." Dean said.

"What!? No, you're crazy!" Sam yelled.

Ignoring him, Dean darted out into the line of fire, leaping on top of a car and using it to get over a second story parking lot, Kubrick followed him. Gordon stayed behind and headed for where Sam and (M/n) were hiding. As he rounded the corner, a figure leaped down on him from above, sending Gordon sprawling, it was the vampire. He kicked Gordon in the face several times and knocked him out.

(M/n) grabbed the vampire from behind, but was thrown off and punched into a brick wall and punched in the face multiple times, stunning him.

~Motel Room~

Sam was pacing, worried. Dean soon came in the room.

"There you are!"

"Yeah. Sorry, I stopped for a slice." Dean said unconcerned.

"Nice move you pulled back there, Dean. Running right at the weapons!"

"Well. what can I say? I'm a bad ass." He looked around, noticing (M/n) wasn't with him. "Where's (M/n)?"

"I don't know, he was behind me, last time I checked."

~Warehouse, night~

The vampire's lair was a dank abandoned storefront with a neon sign outside reading 'TRADE CO'. Inside, Gordon and (M/n) were tied to a metal bedframe. Gordon painfully regained consciousness. He looked across the room and saw candles, some arm chairs, and two young blonde women in bloodstained white shirts, strung up in shackles, dangling from their wrists. They move sluggishly. The vampire entered with a jar of blood.

"I know you're uncomfortable....But this is just temporary. The hunger will pass, and then you'll feel much better." He approached the first woman and feeding her the blood, he moved to the second one when the first was done drinking. He looked at Gordon, noticing him watching him.

"You're awake."

"Finally." The demon sighed.

"Who are they?"


"You always keep your family in shackles?"

"We're still getting to know eachother. They just been reborn."

"You mean you grabbed some poor girls off the street and made them monsters like you."

"I do what I have to. We're a dying breed. Just like your friend. But then, you know that, don't you Gordon? Gordon. Walker. One of the greatest living vampire hunters."

"In the flesh."

"You're a big part of why my people are nearly extinct, Gordon."

"Your 'people' are going extinct because you're a bunch of mindless, bloodthirsty animals."Gordon scoffed.

"I'd watch it, buddy. We're in a nest of things that'll kill you." (M/n) warned.

"Right, We're so much more bloodthirsty than you. Hunters slaughtered my entire nest like they were having a party. Murdered my daughter. I can't tell you how satisfying this is....Catching a hunter responsible for so many deaths and making you lunch for my new daughters."

The vampire showed Gordon a picture of a woman in a pre-20th century garb.

"Daughters? Try fang whores." The man scoffed.

"Watch your mouth."

"Oh, did I hurt your feelings? I'm sorry. I forgot you're just misunderstood victim. Even though you murder and spread your filthy disease on pure base instinct. You got less humanity than a sewer rat."

"I'm sorry you have such a low opinion of my people." The vampire said.

"Oh, you have no idea." The vampire was trembling in anger.

"Sorry, change of plans. I'll be going out to get your lunch. I've got a better idea for you."

He took a knife and sliced open Gordon's arm, then his own, and presses the cuts together. Gordon struggled and stared in horror. "No! No! No!! NOOOO!!!"

(M/n) watched the entire scene in his own horror.

Then the vampire turned to the demon.

"It'll interesting to see if a demon can turn into a vampire."

~Motel Room, night~

Dean sharpened his machete on a whetstone, while Sam cleaned a gun beside him.

"That vampire's still out there, Dean."

"First things first."


"Then we'll get (M/n), if he didn't get Gordon first. About Gordon, when we find him, or if he finds us....Well I'm just saying he's not leaving us a whole lot of options."

"Yeah, I know. We've got to kill him." Sam said calmly.

"Really? Just like that? I thought you would have been like,  'No we cant, he's human, it's wrong.'" Dean said in a mocking tone.

"No, I'm done. I mean, Gordon's not gonna stop until we're dead....Or till he is." Sam shrugged.

The older Winchesters cell phone rang, he looked at it and scowled. "What!?"

"I don't like it when people hold grudges against me, and more to the point, I'd rather you didn't kill me, so I went ahead and found Gordon's exact location for you." Bela said on the other line.

"You're a hundred miles away. How the hell did you-"

"Hello? Purveyor of powerful occult objects? I used a talking board to contact the other side."


"Warehouse. Two stories, riverfront, neon sign outside.  (M/n) is with him."


"One more thing. The spirit had a message for you. 'Leave town like hell, and whatever you do, don't go after (M/n).' For whatever that's worth."

Dean looked at his phone thoughtfully.


Gordon woke up again, this time he's hanging by his wrists from the ceiling. His eyes are bloodshot. He struggles with his chains, ripping them out of the ceiling after a few tries. As he unwinds them from his wrists, the women hanging from the ceiling also, beg pitifully.

"Please.....Help us. Please."


Gordon was walking outside. He flinched at every sudden light and sound, staring up at a loudly buzzing, glaringly bright street lamp. He covered his ears in agony as a car passed him, trailing red light behind.

Across the alley he saw a man crouched in front of his car, changing a tire. Gordon struggled with temptation, then staggered over to the window and leaned against it, panting. He looked up at his reflection in the glass and bared his teeth, fangs emerged to fill his mouth.

The man finished changing the tire and got in his car, before he could start the ignition, Gordon sat up suddenly in the back seat and grabbed the man from behind. Outside the car shook violently and a spray of blood stained the windshield.

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