Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 40!

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Just a friendly reminder, just because someone's your best friend doesn't mean you have the right  to know everything about them or whats going on in their life. And if you can't handle that and just start assuming things cause they aren't talking to you and wanna start stuff on social media, and blame them for getting mad and saying they don't have a right to be mad cuz you were to childish(trying to be pg here) to talk to them face to face about your concerns, then you deserve to kicked out that persons life. And if you're still mad at them for blocking you, just look in the mirror long and hard and keep asking yourself why. 

That is all.


Episode: Season 3 Episode 12

Part: 3


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom



Dean was pressing the towel to his wound, sitting on the bed next to Sam and (M/n).

"We're like sitting ducks in here." Sam said.

"Yeah, I know. Would it kill these cops to BRING US A SNACK!?" He shouted.

"All you gotta do is say the word." (M/n) said, looking to the side at Dean.

"How many you figure are out there?"

"However many there are, they could be possessing anyone. Anyone could just walk right in."

"It's kind of wild, right? I mean it's like they're coming for us. They've never done that before." The older Winchester smiled. "It's like we have a contract on us. Think it's because we're so awesome? I think it's cause we're so awesome." He smiled again but stopped when he saw the other two weren't amused.

Melvin walked in and unlocked the cell.

"Well, howdy, there, sheriff."

The three stood up while Melvin opened the cell door.

"Uh, sheriff?"

"It's time to go, boys."

The three stepped back as he walked in.

"Uh...You know what? We're-we're just comfy right here. But thank you."

Henriksen appeared a the door of the cell. "What do you think your doing?"

"We're not just gonna sit around here and wait to die. We're gonna make a run for it."

"It's safer here."

"There's a Swat facility in Boulder." The sheriff said.

"We're not going anywhere." 

"The hell we're not."

The agent shot Melvin in the head. 

"Now!" Dean yelled, (M/n) smirked and broke the chains off and grabbed Henriksen. He then pushed the agents head into the toilet. Phil ran in and pointed his rifle at the boy. Dean pointed Henriksen's gun at him.  "Stay back!"

Henriksen lifted his head up out of the water. His face burning and he yelled. (M/n) shoved him back into the toilet bowl, which had Nancy's rosary floating in it. Nancy came around the corner.

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