Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 35!

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Episode: Season 3 Episode 11

Part: 1


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


So, I just wanted to say happy 2020 to everyone and wanted thank for all of you that have been here this year and stayed. I've been doing this story for two years and I really enjoy it. I have a long way to go on finishing it as theres 15 seasons and I'm still on 3. I honestly didn't think this x male reader would get as much attention as it did. I made this account in 2015 with a goal of being known for something and knowing deep down that it wouldn't happen. But I uploaded my Jeff The Killer x Male!Reader and Levi x Male!Reader and they both got a lot of attention, which they still are and I don't see why cuz their both shit in my opinion. I mean, I've had a website reach out to me and say they wanted to pay me for all the views the stories would get. Which I didn't take cuz like I said, their shit stories.  And then in 2017 I had this great idea that I'd make a Supernatural x reader where the reader would be demon, a knight of hell to be exact, and that blew up. I've been #1 in a tag, I see my story in trending(which I know is different for everyone, but it still amazes me) and all my x male readers have thousands of views. I ended 2019 with 970 followers. And for someone who is very self conscious and thinks all their work is crap, that's a lot of people. I know I haven't uploaded a lot this last year, but I'm gonna try to do better this year. This last year was probably the worst year of my life so far, but just knowing that you guys enjoy what I put out made 2019 bearable.

I do have a story that is in the works that will be of my own creation. It wont be a x reader, sadly, but I would like to put out my own original works here and there. When I have everything down and the story make at least a little sense, I'll be setting it up and I thought if you guys are interested, you guys can make cover art for it. So yeah, look out for that. Also, I might try to make some more x Male readers from other fandoms, but not sure yet.

Anyway, enough of the mushy shit, may this 2020 be your year and onward to the story.



"So what you say we kill some evil sons of bitches, and we raise a little hell?"

"So you're offering up your own soul?"

"All you got to do is bring Sam back."

"How long did they give you?"

"One year."

"You're gonna die, and this is what you're gonna become!"

"I dont wanna go to hell."

"We'll find a way to save you."

"Back in 1853, Samuel Colt made a gun. They say this gun can kill anything."

"Bela Talbot's her real name."

"Is she a hunter?"

"She's pretty friggin' far from a hunter."

"The Colt. Bela strole the Colt."

"I need your help."

"Help with what?"

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