Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 25!

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I'm back blitches and better then ever. Got a laptop for Christmas, so I'm hoping we'll get back to the swing of things and I start writing again, cuz we have a lot to go.


Episode: Season 3 Episode 8

Part: 1


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


~Seattle, Washington~

~One Year Ago~

In a house, the living room was decorated for Christmas. The door bell rang and a boy opened the door.

"Merry Christmas, Grandpa." The boy cheered.

"Oh ho ho, Merry Christmas to you too, Stevie." The man hugged his grandson tight and walked in.

"Did you bring me any presents?"

"Now, why would I do that?"

"Cause it's Christmas."

"Oh! I thought Santa Claus brought the presents at Christmas. You have been a good boy this year, haven't you?"

"I have, I swear."

"Well, then who knows? Maybe he'll come." The grandfather said.


The grandfather was dressing as Santa next to the Christmas tree. He put on a fake beard and a Santa hat and jingled some bells. Stevie walked part of the way down the stairs and watched Santa take presents out of a big red bag.

"Santa!" He whispered.

The grandfather was still taking presents from his bag when suddenly there was thumping sounds coming from the roof.

"Reindeer!" He whispered.

Santa(the grandfather) looked confused, but returned his attention to his bag. More sounds came from the roof, like someone was walking around. Santa looked up, but the sounds stopped again. Ash fell form the chimney into the fireplace. Santa went to investigate while little Stevie watched from the staircase. Suddenly hands grab the grandfather and pulled him up the chimney. He screamed.


One of Santa's boots fell from the chimney, with bloodstains on it.

~Ypsilanti, Michigan~

~Present day~

A girl was looking outside through the glass door and a woman stood outside, being interviewed.

"Um, my daughter and I were in our beds. Mike was downstairs decorating the tree. I heard a thump on the roof and then I heard Mike scream. And now I'm talking to the FBI."

"And you didn't see any of it?" The demon asked.

"No, he was....He was just gone."

"The doors were locked? There was no forced entry?"

"That's right."

"Does anybody else have a key?"

"My parents."

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