Halloween Special

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(M/n) was in the bathroom of a motel, a cape on and generic vampire teeth in his mouth. He was painting a fake blood stream down his mouth.

He then heard someone come in the room, he knew it wasn't Sam, as he was at a bar drinking. There was only one other person he knew.

(M/n) chuckled and went to hide. As the oldest Winchester walked by, the demon came out of his hiding spot, yelling 'blah blah blah'. The Winchester jumped. The demon then noticed Dean's eyes were black, and gasped, throwing a punch at the man.

"Whoa whoa whoa, (M/n), it's alright. Look, look." Dean put a two fingers near his eye and took out a black contact. "See, not a demon, just contacts." The man chuckled. 

The boy sighed in relief, punching the Winchester's arm. "Don't ever do that again, Dean." The demon whined.

Dean chuckled more. "Well, anyways, nice costume....Dracula." 

"I was supposed to scare you when you came in, instead of the other way." The demon turned away and pouted.

The Winchester wrapped his arms around the male and pulled him close, nuzzling his neck. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, seeing fake blood on your mouth is a huge turn on." The boy felt something like his behind and he blushed a deep red.

Dean suddenly threw (M/n) on the bed, pinned him down and kissed him roughly. (M/n) moaned, giving Dean the chance to slither his tongue in the demons mouth. The demon moaned louder and bucked his hips up.

The man took off his belt and tied the smaller male under him hands to the bed post and started taking off (M/)'s clothes off, taking the cape off and the fake teeth out of his mouth. Dean kissed the male again, going down to his neck and nibbles on a certain spot that made the demon yelp.

The Winchester smirked and abused the spot. The demon moaned loudly and thrust his hips up. Dean moaned as their members rubbed together.


The two were panting.

"That was amazing." (M/n) smiled. Dean smiled back and kisses his forehead.

"Happy Halloween."

"Happy Halloween."


Very short, I know. But I hate texting on my phone, it sucks. But yeah. A little fluff in this. Hope you liked what I had to offer for now.

Happy Halloween Beaches

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