Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 13!

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Episode: Season 3 Episode 4

Part: 3


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


~Basement in Casey's Parents Home~

"Looks like the maid's day off." (M/n) said. Casey seemed surpirised as something. "Everything okay?"(M/n) asked, walking up to her.

She kissed him. "Make yourself comfortable."

The demon was walking around casually. "Oh, I forgot to mention....Richie, the friend of Dean's, he tracked him on the GPS he had in his cellphone. Dean swung by earlier. Gave Richie a proper burial. It's a hell better than rotting in some skank's basement."

Casey lauched herself at (M/n) but is stopped by an invisible barrier.

"Oops." The demon kneeled down  and peeled back a corner of the rug, whih was covering a devil's trap. 

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Isn't that a buzz kill?" Dean said, walking out of the shadows. "Sorry, sister, but you're going back to where you came from."

"I don't think so." The girl laughed. Dean took out a book and began reading in latin. Casey closed her eyes as if meditatatin, suddenly a breeze was blowing into Dean's face, and spinning the chandelier above Casey. Dean recollected himself and began to read again. The pages from Dean's book were pulled off by the mystical breeze. As he looks down at the book all the pages fly off and the book as well. Casey opened her eyes and smiled. Underneath the book, now on the floor, a giant crack forms. Suddenly the bricks around the door cave in.

Dean and (M/n) looked shocked and turned to look at Casey, who looked pleased.

"What are you laughing at, bitch? You're still trapped."

"So are you...Bitch."

Later, Dean lit some candles and examined the rockfall.

"Lose something?" Casey teased.

Dean laughed. "All you demons have such smart mouths."

"It's a gift."

"Yeah, well. Let's see if you're miling when I send you ass back to hell."

"Without your little exorsim book? Hey, go ahead."

Dean started but started failing.

"Having little trouble there, sport?" 

Dean cleared his throat and began again, he took a breath and failed to remember the next line.

"You didn't pay attention in Latin class, did you?" (M/n) said.

"Maybe, you know how to get rid of demons, you do it." Dean suggested.

"He wont. He's one of us, your little boyfriend is having second thoughts."

Dean looked at (M/n), who was looking down, he looked conflicted.

~Trotter's Bar~

The same sex worker how tried to pick up (M/n) earlier sat at the bar, smiling at Sam. "You look kind of tense." Sam looked around to see if she's talking to him. "You know, I know a surefire way to relax."

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