Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 21!

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Hey guys, I know I haven't uploaded as much as I used too. I'm slowly loosing interest in writing this. I'll have my kicks of wanting to write it and upload for a week straight and then I just lose the interest too. I'm still gonna write this story, but it might take a while for me too.

Still hoping for the Halloween special to be out on Halloween tho.

So yeah, that's it


Episode: Season 3 Episode 7

Part: 1


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


~Road, night~

Bela walked up to her car, which was parked by a deserted ryral bridge. As she reached the car, she was startled by a reflection of a figure in the window.

"It's rude to sneak up on people."

"Bela Talbot."

"You have me at a disadvantage. I don't know who you are."

"Gordon Walker."

:I've heard of you. Heard you were in prison."

"Got out."

"Released early on good behavior?"

She opened the car door and casually reached inside. Gordon held up a small gun.

"Looking for this?" He removed the clip. "I know you were just in Massachusetts, and I know you were with the Winchester boys. Tell me where they are."

"I don't think I know."

"You don't." He pulled out a larger handgun on her. "Why don't you think a little harder?"

"Put that down." He didn't. "What's so pressing about finding the boys, anyway?"

"Sam Winchester's the Antichrist."

"Mmm. I'd heard about that...."

"It's true. And the boy with them is a soldier of Satan himself."

".....From my good friend, the Easter Bunny, who'd heard it from the Tooth Fairy. Are you off your meds?"

"The world hangs in the balance. So you go ahead and be a smart-ass, but tell me where they are, or I shoot."

"Gordon, you and I don't know each other very well, so let me tell you a little something about me. I don't respond well to threats, but you make me an offer? And I think you'll find me highly cooperative." She grinned.

"Okay." Gordon lowered the gun. "How tell me where they are," He raised the gun again. "or I shoot."

"Kill me. Good luck finding Sam and (M/n)."

Grimacing in frustration, Gordon complied. "I can wrangle up three grand.

"I don't get out of bed for three grand."

"You..." Gordon lowered his arm, Bela saw a small cloth bag hanging on his belt. He eye lite up.

"Scratch that. Give me the mojo bag, and we'll call it even."

"Oh, hell no. This thing's a century old. It's.."

"Priceless. Believe me, I know. Now, how badly do you want the Winchester?"

Gordon tossed her the bag. Bela pulled out her cell phone and dials.

"Hello, (M/n)? Hey, where are you?"


Sorry it's so short, like I said, I'm struggling on wanting to write. Will make it up in the next part tho

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