Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 36!

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Episode: Season 3 Episode 11

Part: 2


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


~Street, day~

The dog barked as the three passed. Sam stared back over his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what the hell you two are talking about."

"Okay, look. Yesterday was Tuesday, right? But today is Tuesday too."

"Yeah. No. Good. You're totally balanced." Dean said.

"You don't believe us?!" 

Dean laughed and collided with the blonde girl. "Excuse me." She said.

"Look, I'm just saying that it's crazy, you know, I mean, even for us crazy. Dingo ate my baby crazy. Hey, maybe it was another of your psychic premonitions."

"No, no way, way too vivid. Plus how would (M/n) also remember?" Dean shrugged. "Okay, look, we were at the Mystery Spot, and then-"

"And then what?" 

Sam paused, not wanting to say. "Then I woke up." They pass the movers. "Wait a minute! The Mystery Spot. You think maybe-"

"Maybe what?"

"We gotta check that place out. Look, just- go with me on this, okay?"

"All right, all right, we'll go tonight, after close, get ourselves a nice long look." (M/n) realized what Dean said. 

"Wait, what? No."

"Why not?"

"Uhh....Lets just go now. Right now. Buisness hours, nice and crowded."

"My god, you guys are freaks."


"Okay! Whatever. We'll go now." He walked a few feet ahead of the two and looked to his right as he entered the street. A car slammed into him from his left.


Sam rushed to his brothers side.

"Dean. No, no. no." The man had blood on his face and is barley moving. Sam turned him over and picked him up. "Come on! Dean."

Mr. Pickett leans out of a now-stopped car. (M/n) stared at him and then back to the two infront of him.

"Hey. Dean." At this point, Dean wasn't moving.


"Heat of the Moment" started playing on the radio. Sam's eyes snapped open and he sat up on the bed.

"Rise and shine, Sammy!" Dean cheered, once again.

The demon and younger Winchester looked at each other.


Dean gargled loudly and annoying. Sam watched.


"Hey. Tuesday. Pig in a poke." Dean said.

"Okay, would you listen to us, Dean? Cause we're flipping out." Sam said.

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