Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 17!

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Episode: Season 3 Episode 5

Part: 4


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


~Hospital, day~

"No, sorry. We don't have any comatose little girls." The nurse tell the boys.

"You sure?"

"Totally. It's mostly old guys. And, well....Callie. She's been around since before I started here."


"Yeah, it's so sad. And poor Dr. Garrison, he just....Wont give up on her."

"Is Callie one of his patients?"

"No. His daughter."

~Callie's Hospital room~

Dr. Garrison sat at Callie's bedside, glasses perched on his nose, reading to her from The Complete Works and Tales of The Brothers Grimm. Callie was a young adult woman, with long, straight dark hair, lying completely motionlessly on the bed with monitoring equipment.

"Ah, here we are.  'Just press the latch,' called out the grandmother. 'I'm too weak to get up.'" He read.

~Supermarket Parking lot~

A Grandmother held two full grocery bags in her arms, crossing the lot and heading and headed to her car.

"The wolf pressed the latch, and the door opened. He stepped inside, went straight to the grandmother, and ate her up."

The grandmother opened the door with her remote key when a tall, dark man appeared, catching a falling bag.

"Oh! Thank you so much."

The man put the bag in the back seat and smiles at the woman. She put the other bag on the seat. The man shoved her in the van and attacked her, hitting and punching wildly. His Wile E. Coyote tattoo flashed on his arm.

The little girl watched from a distance. After another blow, the man moved tot eh driver's seat and drove off.


The three walked to Callie Garrison's room. They stopped outside the doorway. They watched the doctor read to his daughter.

"....And the Huntsman stepped inside and in the bed lay the wolf. So the huntsman took a pair of scissors and cut open the wolf's belly."

The brothers glanced at glanced at each other. The doctor noticed them, he put down the book, and got up and walked to the boys. Clearing his throat he said, "Detectives. Can I help you?"

"We just....Heard that Callie is your daughter."

"And we wanted to say how very sorry we are."

"Well, uh. Thank you. If you'll excuse me."

"Oh, heading this way? We'll walk with you. How long's Callie been like this?" Dean asked.

"We don't mean to intrude. We can't possibly understand how hard it must be for you seeing her like this." (M/n) said gently.

"It's not easy. She's, uh, been here since she was eight years old."

"That's when she was poisoned?"

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