Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 26!

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Episode: Season 3 Episode 8

Part: 1


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


~Santa's Village, day~

Sam was still lost in memories.

"You'd think with the 10 bucks it costs to get into this place, Santa could scrounge up a little snow."

"What?" Sam shook his head.

"Nothing. What are we looking for, again?"

"Um..." Sam looked around. "Lore says that the anti-claus will walk with a limp and smell like sweets."

"Great. So we're looking for a pimp Santa. Why the sweets?"

"Think about it, If you smell like candy, the kids will come closer, you know?"

"That's creepy." (M/n) said, making Sam chuckle. "How does this thing know who's been naughty and who's been nice?"

"I don't know."

A man wearing a Santa Claus costume sits outside a small barn. A woman and a boy walk up to him.

"So, Ronny, come sit on Santa's knee." The boy sat down. "Ah, there you go. You been a good boy this year?"


"Good. Santa's got a special gift for you." He cackled creepily/.

"Maybe we do." Dean said, looking at Santa and the boy.

Ronny's mom took his arm and lead him away from Santa.

"Come on, honey, let's go."

A woman in an elf costume walks up to the three.

"Welcome to Santa's court. Can I escort your child to Santa?"


"No. No. Uh, but actually my brother here." He smacked Sam's shoulder. "It's been a lifelong dream of his."

"Uh, sorry. No kids over.....12." The girl said, looking at Sam like he's a freak.

"No, he's just kidding. We only came here to watch."

(M/n) shook his head.


"I-I didn't mean that we  came here to w-.....Thanks a lot, Dean. Thanks for that."

Dean laughed then suddenly turned serious. "Check it out."

They watch as Santa left his chair, he has a bad limp.

"Are you seeing this?"

"A lot of people walk with limps, right?" Sam asked.

"Tell me you didn't smell that. That was candy, man."

"That was Ripple. I think. Had to be." Sam looked at Santa again.


"We're willing to take that chance?"

~House, night~

Inside the Impala, Sam, Dean, and (M/n) were spying on a simple house that was decorated with Christmas lights.

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