Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 24!

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Episode: Season 3 Episode 7

Part: 4


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom



Sam and Dean crept down the steps into the room where Gordon had been held. The bodies of the girls were still hanging, headless, and the vampire was kneeling infront of them, tears running down his face. Dean took a knife from the table and approached him slowly, he heard Dean coming but didn't move.

"Go ahead. Do it. KILL me." The vampire said.

"What happened here?"

"Gordon Walker. I never should have brought a hunter here. Never. I just.....I just wanted some kind of revenge. Stupid.....Exposing him to my family."

"Oh yeah, you're such a family man."

"You don't understand."

"I don't want to understand, you son of-"

"I was desperate! You ever felt desperate? I've lost everyone I ever loved. I;m staring down eternity alone. Can you think of a worse hell?"

"Well, there's Hell." Dean said.

"I wasn't thinking. I just...I didn't care anymore. Do you know it's like when you just don't give a damn? It's like...It's like being dead already. So just go ahead." The vampire looked at Dean's knife. "Do it."

"Dean. Head wasn't cut off, it was ripped off. With someone's bare hands. Dixon, what did you do to Gordon?" Sam asked, inspecting the headless bodies.

~Kubrick's motor home~

Kubrick heard a noise, pulled back the curtains to look outside. When he turned around again, Gordon is there, staring at him.

"Gordon. You okay?" He asked cautiously.

"Not even close."

"I thought maybe you were dead." Gordon scoffed. "What is it?"



"They turned me."

"'They' those fangs....I'm sorry. You know what this means."

"It means you have to kill me." Gordon grabbed him by the shoulders. "But not yet."

"What do you mean?"

"You have to let me do one last thing first."


"Kill Sam Winchester."


"It's the only....It is the one good thing to come out of this nightmare. I'm stronger, I'm faster- I can finish him."

"Gordon....I'm sorry. You know I can't let you walk out of here."

"Listen to me. There is nothing more important. Please." Gordon walked away and faces a crucifix. "I can do one last good thing for the world."

As he was looking away, there was a sudden snap and Gordon looked back to see (M/n) standing over Kubrick's body, that was now laying on the ground.

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