Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 16!

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Episode: Season 3 Episode 5

Part: 3


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


~Old Lady's home, day~

"Well, there's no sulfur anywhere. How about the EMF?" Dean asked his brother.

"Yeah, it's going nuts. When I went over by the window.....There's definitely a spirit here."

"Who stood outside the crime scene and watched."

"Look like."

"What the hell do you make of that?"

"Actually, me and (M/n) have a theory. Uh, sort of."

"Hit me."

"Well, thinkin' about fairy tales." (M/n) said.

"Oh, that's-that's nice. You think fairy tales often?"

"No, Dean, we're talking about the murders. A guy and a girl? Hiking through the woods, an old lady tries to eat 'em? That's Hansel and Gretel. And then we got three brothers, arguing over how to build houses, attacked by the Big Bad Wolf." Sam explained.

"Three little Pigs."

"Bingo." The demon said.

"Actually those guys were a little chubby. Well, wait, I thought those things ended with, uh, everybody living happily ever after?"

"No, no. Not the originals. See the Grimm Brother's stuff was kinda the folklore of it's day, full of se, violence, cannibalism. Now, it got sanitized over the years, turned into Disney flicks and bedtime stories."

"So you think the murders are, uh, what? A reenactment? That's a little crazy."

"Everyday of both your guys life is crazy." (M/n) said.

"Touché. How's the creepy ghost girl involved?"

"Uhm...Well, she must've been here for a reason. I'm willing to bet you top dollar she was at the construction site too."

"We gotta do research no, don't we?"

The demon smiled.

~Cumberland County Central Library~

(M/n) and Sam were outside.

"So, I heard you asked that Ruby girl if that knife that kills demons would kill me." (M/n) said, looking at the Winchester.

"Look, it's not-"

"Try anything, and I'll shove that knife up your ass, Winchester." (M/n) warned.

Dean then exited, not looking happy.


"Checked every record they had. Found the usual amount of violent childhood deaths for a town this size."


"Wanna know how many were little girls, with black hair and pale skin?"


The three walked into a park.

"Zero! You wanna know how many little girls with black hair and pale skin that have gone missing? Right again. Zip. Zilch, Nada. Tell me you've got something good 'cause I've totally wasted the last six hours." Dean whined.

"Well, you ever hear of Lillian Bailey? She was a British medium form the 1930s."

"She got a thing for fairy tales."

"Nah, trances. See she'd o into these unconscious states where, uhm, get this, her thoughts and actions completely controlled by spirits." Sam said.

"A ghost puppet master."


"This that's what this kid is doing? Sending wolfboy and grandma into trances, making them go kill-crazy?"

"Could be. You know, kinda like, uh, uh, spirit hypnosis or somethin'."

"Trances I get, but fairy tale trances? That's bizarre even for us."

They stopped and looked down, seeing the same bullfrog sit in their path.

"Yeah, you're right. That's completely normal."

The bullfrog croaked and croaked.

"All right, maybe it is fairy tales. Totally messed-up fairy tales. I tel you one thing, there's no way I'm kissing a damn frog." Dean said.

"Hey. Check it out." Sam pointed at a house. A pumpkin sat on the porch."

"Yeah? It's close to Halloween."

"You remember Cinderella? With the pumpkin that turns into a coach, and the mice that become horses?"

"Dude, could you be more gay?" Dean asked his brother, who just gave him an unamused look. "Don't answer that."

Later, Dean picked the lock and Sam opened the door, the three enter.

"Well, who knows, maybe you'll find your fairy godmother?" The demon teased.

Sam looked annoyed at the two, both Dean and (M/n) smirk.

They split up and began to search the house. They heard a noise and the Winchesters drew their guns. Dean closed the front door.

At another noise, (M/n) walked towards it, the other two followed.

"Help! I'm in here!" A female voice yelled.

(M/n) ran to where it was, "Hey! Hey." A teenage girl was handcuffed to the oven. "It's okay. We're here, we're here. We got you." (M/n) broke the handcuffs off her.

"You have to help me. She's a lunatic." The girl begged.

"What happened?" Dean asked.

"My step mom, she just freaked out, screamed at me, beat me. Chained me up."

"Where is she now?"

"I don't know."

(M/n) felt a presence and turned around, seeing the little girl with dark hair peeking out. "Guys." The brothers looked and saw her as well.

She turned away, the demon followed her. He walked through the house to an enter way and saw the girl standing in the living room. She walked out of his sight. The demon walked in the living room, but she was gone. Turning around to leave, the girl reappeared in front of the male.

"Who are you?" He asked gently. She was silent. She flickered then vanished. (M/n) looked down at a red apple on the rug. He picked it up and groaned out of frustration.

~Street, day~

(M/n) was sitting on the hood of the Impala, playing with the apple. Dean was sitting next to him, when Sam walked up to them.

"Paramedics picked up Cinderella."

"That's good." (M/n) said.

"Yeah." (M/n) tossed the apple to the young Winchester.

"So...Little girl, shiny red apple. I'm guessing  that means something to you, fairy tale boy?"

"I think it's Snow White."

"Snow White? Ah I saw that movie." Dean said, grinning.

"There is a wicked stepmother. And she tries to kill Snow White with a poison apple."

"But the apple doesn't actually kill the girl, right?" (M/n) asked.

"No. Puts her in a deep sleep, so deep it's almost like she's dead." Sam tossed the apple back to (M/n). Dean and the demon got up and the three got into the Impala.

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