Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 46!

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Been obsessed with Kylo Ren lately, and I've decided to do a Kylo Ren cosplay.....We'll see how this goes


Episode: Season 3 Episode 15

Part: 2


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


~Inside a motel~

The three were leaned over a map.

"So these are all the cabins. Most of them have been abandoned for years." Sam said, pointing at areas on the map.

"So what the hell are we waiting for?"

Dean phone rang, he answered. "Bobby."

"Hey. Think I finally got a bead on Bela."

"I'm listening."

"Rufus Turner."

"Who's that? Like a Cleveland steamer?" 

"He's a hunter, or he used to be."

"And now?"

"Hermit mostly. Does a little selling on the side. Anyway, I put the word on Bela months ago. He just called. Said a woman got in touch, wanted to buy some things."

"And he thinks it's Bela?"

"British accent, went by the name Mina Chandler."

"She's used that before. Well, it's kinda of a sloppy move, isn't it? Getting in contact with one of your old friends."

"Friend? Haven't laid eyes on him in fifteen years. He's not the Christmas card type. I doubt she knows I know him. Canaan, Vermont."

"Thanks, Bobby. We're on our way."

"One other thing. Take a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue." The older man added.

"Okay." Dean hung up the phone. "Come on. We're going after Bela." Dean told the other two.

"What? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second."

"Come on. Get your stuff. The clock's ticking."

"Look, I think we should stay here and finish the case."

"You insane?"

"Dean, there's no way she still has the Colt! That was months ago! She probably sold it the second she got it."

"Well, then I'll kill her. Win-win."

"Dean..." (M/n) got up, looking a the male.

"We're going!"

"No!" Sam yelled.

"Why the hell not?"

"Dean, this, this here. Now. This is what's gonna save you."

"What? Chasing some Frankenstein?"

"Chasing immortality." Dean stared at his brother, startled. "Look, Benton can't die. We find out how he did it, we can do it to you."

"No one ever listens to the demon that's been alive for a long time." (M/n) threw his arms in the air and huffed.

"What are you talking about?"

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