Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 9!

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Episode: Season 3 Episode 3

Part: 3


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


~Restaurant Parking lot~

Dean walked over to the Impala with a paper bag in his hands. He got in, where Sam and (M/n) were waiting. Dean took something out of the bag.

"I'm not finding anything on it in dad's journal." Sam said.

The oldest Winchester held up several scratch cards infront of Sam.

"Dean, come on."

"What?! Hey, that was my gun he was aiming at your head, and my gun don't jam. So that was a lucky break. Not to mention them taking themselves out, also a lucky break. Here, scratch one. C'mon Sam, scratch and win!" Dean handed over a coin and the card. Sam scratched it.

"Dean, it's gotta be cursed somehow. Otherwise dad wouldn't have locked it up." Sam handed the card back.

"$1200....You just won $1200!" He laughed. "I don't know, man, it doesn't seem that cursed to me!" Dean handed his brother another card. The demon just watched it happen.

~W&G' Apartment~

The two men were laid out on the floor still.

Wayne started to wake up and he got up, groaning. "Grossman. Grossman, get up." He kicked an empty beer bottle, it rolled into the kitchen. "Hey, Grossman, get up. Hey!" Wayne nudged Grossman with his foot and walks to the kitchen. The man on the floor was unresponsive. Wayne stepped over the beer bottle and headed to the sink, removing two plates, a colander, and a large BBQ carving fork and plaving them in the drainer. He turned on the tap and splashed water on his face and dries off with a dish towel. "Hey, Grossman. Grossman!"

Wayne went to walk out of the kitchen, his foot catching on the beer bottle in the middle of the floor. He trips and falls backwards, landing on the fork he placed in the drained. Grossman finally woke up, getting up, he heard choking. Grossman walked into the kitchen and saw Wayne impaled on the fork. He was gurgling and then died. Grossman screamed.

~Restaurant Parking lot~

Dean laid out 6 scratch cards on the hood of the Impala, calculating their winnings. "Oh, man!" He laughed. The demon was shaking his head.

Sam was on the phone with Bobby. "Now look Bobby, we didn't know."

"You touched it? Damn it, Sam!"

"Well dad never told us about this thing. I mean you knew about his storage place at Black Rock?"

"His lockup? Yeah, I knew. Hell I built those curse boxes for him. Listen, you have got a serious problem."

Sam noticed something shining under a newspaper on the ground. It's a gold watch.

"That rabbit's foot ain't no dime store notion."

Sam picked up the watch and showed the two behind him. Dean mouthed 'awesome'.

"It's real Hoodoo, Old World stuff. Made by a Baton Rouge conjure woman about a hundred years ago."

"It's a hell of a luck charm."

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