Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 32!

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Guess who's baaaack~

Not completely. Things been rough since I got my license about.....3 months now. Got a job, hate it completely and get paid crappy. But hey, its a job. And I've literally been through hell and back, me and Satan are really good friends now. But I recently got out of a verbal abusive relationship, things that happened cuz of him that should have never happened, but they did. My mental and physical health are shit at the moment, and I've been dying to write again cuz its my relief.

Also, Happy Mother's day to all the mothers, mothers to be, and pet mothers out there. Ya'll need the love today.

And enjoy the story~  


Episode: Season 3 Episode 10

Part: 1


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


"Look, dad's gone now. We have to carry out his legacy. And that means hunting down as man sons of bitches as we possibly can."



"If you want to stick around for awhile, you're welcome to stay."

"I can't. I gotta lot of work to do, and it's not my life."

"Bela Talbot's her real name."

"I procure unique items for a select clientele."

"A thief."

"A great thief."

"Sam, you want to break Dean free of that demon deal, you aint gonna find that answer in no book."

"Then where, Bobby?"

"Kid, I wish I knew."

"I been busting my ass trying to keep you alive, Dean, and you act like you couldn't care less."

"Every damn demon, they were all human once?"

"Every one I've ever met. The answer is yes, by the way. The same thing will happen to you."

"There's no way of saving me from the Pit, is there?"


~House, Night~

Bobby was walking through the house, flashlight in hand, looking around. The wind is whistling outside. Bobby hears a sound and turns around, but there's nothing there. He looks a bit worried.

When he reaches the doors to the kitchen, he slowly opens them open, and takes a few steps in. He scans the room and suddenly he hears a woman scream and she attacks him. He falls to the floor with her ontop of him and she struggles with him, pulling him back and forth, while she's still screaming.

~Motel Room, day~

Bobby was sleeping on a bed. It's daytime. The door being opened from the outside and a maid enters the room. After a few steps she sees Bobby on th bed, who hasn't reacted to the noises she's made.

Supernatural x Male!Reader Season 3!Where stories live. Discover now