Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 20!

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Episode: Season 3 Episode 6

Part: 3


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


It's the Espirito Santo, a merchant sailing vessel, quite a colorful history. In 1859 a sailor was accused of treason. He was tried aboard ship in a kangaroo court and hanged. He was 37."

"Which would explain the 37 year cycle." Sam said.

"Aren't you a shark tack? There's a photo of him somewhere." She flipped through the file. "Here."

"Isn't that the customer we saw last night?"

"Yeah, the bastard tried to kill me!" (M/n) yelled.

"You saw him?"

"Yeah, that's him, except he was missing a hand."

"His right hand?" Bela asked.

"How'd you know?"

"The sailor's body was cremated, but not before they cut off his hand to make a hand of glory."

"A hand of glory? I think I got one of those at the end of my Thai message last week." Dean laughed and (M/n) just blushed.

"Dean, the right hand of a hanged man is a serious occult object. It's very powerful." Sam explained.

"So they say."

"And officially counts as remains."

"But still, none of this explains why the ghost is choosing these victims."

"I'll tell you why. Who cares? Find the hand, burn it, and stop the bloody thing." Bela said.

"I don't get it. Why are you telling us all of this?" The demon asked the girl.

"Because I know exactly where the that hand is."


"At the Sea Pines Museum. It's a macabre bit of maritime history. But I need help."

"What kind of help?" (M/n) asked.

Bela just smiled.


Back at the house, it was filled with lit candles. Bela was waiting in the living room, no one else was around. Bela was wearing an evening gown with a glittery necklace.

"What is taking so long? Sam and Dean's already halfway there....with their dates." Bela said to the demon.

"So not okay with this!"

"What are you, a woman? Come down already."

(M/n) sighed and walked down the stairs, wearing a black tux, his (hair color) hair a little fuzzy from Dean shaking his hand in it a bit. Bela sighed in appreciation.

"All right, get it out, I look ridiculous." (M/n) pouted like a child.

"Not exactly the word I'd use."


"You know, when this is over, we should really have angry sex." Bela said.

The demon shifted uncomfortably. "Sorry, not into hags.....And don't objectify me, Lets go."

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