Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 28!

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Part 1 of my new story, Sam Winchester x Male!Reader is now up and running!


Episode: Season 3 Episode 9

Part: 1


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


~Bedroom, night~

A door opened and a woman and a man dressed in formal attire walk in, the man switched on the bedroom light as the woman tossed her purse on the bed.

"That was just a terrible, terrible party." The woman known as Janet, said.

"But there was this one really beautiful woman there." The man named Paul, said.

"You should gone home with her."

"I did."

They kisses, and he unzips her dress. It fell to the floor.

"I need a few minutes."

"Alright, there's a bottle of '89 in the fridge."

They kiss again and he walks out the door as she crossed the room and enters the bathroom.

~Amanda's Room, night~

A match was struck on the edge of a box as an incantation is being recited.

"Echranmuck madan fiere, fiahohshee she morelorn."

The match lights a candle.

~Bathroom, night~

Janet was removing her diamond necklace in front of the bathroom mirror.

"Marc oh don. Duer kianave kiher tolic."

Janet opens a brand new toothbrush and removes it.

"Einder bolic."

~Amanda's Room~

Amanda opens a cloth on the altar on top of a symbol revealing a used toothbrush inside the cloth.

"Madan fire fiahohshee she morelorn."


Janet brushed her teeth.

"Marc oh don duer kianave kiher tolic."

~Amanda's room~

Amanda reached for a dagger and dragged it across her right palm dripping a drop of blood on the bristles of the toothbrush.

"Echranmuk madan fiere fiahohshee she morelorn."


Janet reached for her mouth, and wiggles one of her front teeth, which comes loose, and falls out in her hand.

"Marc oh don kianave kiher tolic einder bolic."

"Oh god."


Amanda's hand dripped blood.

"Madan fiere."


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