Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 5!

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What's up ya'll. Just wanted you guys know that I made an Instagram a few days ago. Just look up RJ Mayhem and you'll find me. And yes, my name is Kelsi, and I am a female^^


Episode: Season 3 Episode 2

Part: 2


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom



"You've been following me since Lincoln." She closed his laptop.

"Not much gets by you, huh?" Ruby took one of his fries and eats it. "Mmm. These are amazing. It's like deep-fried crack. Try some." Sam scoffed.

"That knife you had. You can kill demons with that thing?"

"Sure comes in handy when I have to swoop in and save the damsel in distress."

"Where'd you get it?"

"Skymall." She takes a plate and squeezed ketchup onto it.

"Would it....Would it kill (D/n)?"

Ruby scoffed. "That freak? No. But it sure as hell make him angery. (D/n) has anger issues."

"Why are you following me?"

"I'm interested in you."


"Because you're tall. I love a tall man. And then there's the whole antichrist thing."

"Excuse me?"

"You know, generation of psychic kids, Ywellow-Eyed Demon rounds you up, celebrity death march ensues. You're the sole survivor."

"How do you know about that?"

"I'm a good hunter. So, Yellow Eyes had some pretty big plans for you, Sam."

" 'Had' being a key word."

Sam and Ruby talked a bit and after they were done. Sam's phone rang.


"Dude, there is a job here." Dean said, sitting in the car with (M/n).


"Yeah. You know that one freak accident we read about in the paper? Turns out there's four more that never even made the paper, all in this...Morning Hill gated community. People falling off of ladders and drowning in their Jacuzzi's all over the neighborhood."

"That is weird."

"Yeah, something's up. Something these nice, big gates can't protect them from."

~The next day~

Sam, dressed in a dark suit and posing as an insurance agent, was speaking to another young mother.

"So, once again, I'm very sorry to disturb you. We just really want to expedite that life-insurance policy."

"Of course." The mother said.

"Okay." She took him around back, where a ladder leaned against a wall.

"This is, um, where he fell."

"I see. Now, how exactly did he-"

"He was just inside changing a light bulb. Must have lost his balance."

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