Supernatural x Male!Reader Part 10!

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Episode: Season 3 Episode 3

Part: 4


(M/n) =Male Name

(L/n) = Last Name

(D/n) = Demon Name

(N/n) = Nickname

WARNING: Death, swearing, boy x boy, some triggering stuff. This is Supernatural, everything happens in this show/fandom


~Biggerson's Restaurant, parking lot~

Kubrick was leaning against his RV, when Creedy came up from the restaurant. "No one saw which way they went. And, their meal was free so there's no credit card trail."

"Don't worry, we'll find them."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Cause, there's a higher power at work here. I know it now."

~Apartment Block~

The three males exited the apartment block. (M/n)'s phone started ring, startling him. As he answered it, he stepped over a large wad of pink bubblegum on the ground. "Hello?"

Dean stepped over I, Sam followed. Hearing a squishing sound. He got a deeply frustrated look on his face as he lifted his shoe off the bubblegum((I've done that, in the middle school gym....It sucked. Entire thing suck to the bottom of my shoe.))

"(M/n), great news. Wasn't easy but I found a heavyweight cleansing ritual that should do the trick."

"That's, uh, great. 'Cept Sam, uh...." (M/n) looked at Sam, grimacing when he lifted his shoe. "Sam lost the foot."

"He WHAT?"

"Bobby, Bobby, listen. This, uh, this chick stole it from him. I'm serious. In her mid 20's, and she was sharp you know, good enough at the con to play us."

Sam was trying to scrape the gum off his shoe using a broken storm drain grating.

"And she only gave the guy she hired a name, probably an alias or something. Uh, Luigi, or something?"

"Lugosi." Sam said.


"Lugosi? Lugos- Aw crap, its probably Bela." Bobby said.

Sam moved his foot too hard, dislodging his shoe. It dropped into the drain with a splash. He tried to retrieve it. Dean was standing next to (M/n), not paying attention to Sam.

"Bela Lugosi? That's cute." (M/n) chuckled when Dean glared at him a bit.

"Bela Talbot's her real name. Crossed paths with her once or twice."

"Well, she knew about the rabbit's foot. Is she a hunter?"

"Pretty friggin' far from a hunter, but she knows her way around the territory. She's been out of the country. Last I heard she was in the Middle East."

"Safe to say she's back."

"Which means seriously bad luck for you."

"Aw, great."

"But, if it is Bela....Atleast I know a few folks that might know where she is."

"Thanks, Bobby. Again."

"Just...Look out for Sam, ya idjit." Bobby hung up. 

The two looked at Sam, who looked thoroughly dejected.

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