Chapter 26: HauntedMuck (Horror, romance, fantasy, humour)

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About the author:


Author's Name (Wattpad)?:

My name is Chey Ferrill. Here on Wattpad, I go by HauntedMuck.

Where are you from?:

I'm from, and currently reside in, good ol' Canada. Ontario, to be exact. I'm not too worried about stalkers, my guard kitten will deal with them whilst my puppy chews through another cell phone chord.

Where do you get inspiration from?

A lot of my inspiration comes from random conversations with my fabu boyfriend, or from dreams I have. Ocassionally while I'm at work, an idea will strike me and I'll spend the rest of the evening thinking about it and what I like about the idea.

What are your interests?

I love to read, write, play video games, draw, chat to just about everyone, and cuss like there's no tomorrow.

What genres do you like to read?:

I like romance. I know, pretty corny, but I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic. Some fantasy is pretty good, although elves and gnomes and fairies are something I don't care for. I absolutely love Horror stories, especially when they give me the creeps- it's awesome to be afraid of your own bedroom late at night.

What genres do you like to write?:

Horror, romance, fantasy, humour . . . just about anything. I like to write in some drama, too, if I can come up with a good plan for it.

What stories do you hate? (like cliched, LGBT, 1D fan fic etc):

I don't really hate any type of stories. I don't like horror stories with slashers in them. Those are boring and way too cookie-cutter for me. "Oh look, a guy with a knife, that's definitely original." Y'know?

Any advice for budding authors who don't know where to start?:

Just write. Literally, just sit your butt down and write and write and write some more. Write until your fingers fall off. You'll improve over time, and the more you write, the better you get.


About the Stories:


What is it called?:

Why Sugarcoat It?


Romance, humour, teen fiction (probably).

Who is the main protagonist (character)?:

Aspen Grace Ferguson.

What are they like?:

She's bitter, sarcastic, and doesn't like cats. Aspen can't stand lovey-dovey relationships, and seeing teens publicly display their feelings for one another makes her want to gag.

Summary/Synopsis of the story:

Aspen Grace Ferguson is your typical seventeen year old girl – she attends high school, she lives with her parents, older sister, and older brother, she goes out shopping and to the movies on the weekends, and she listens to music at a volume that her parents can’t stand – she’s completely average.

Aspen, however, has never had a boyfriend, nor has she ever been on a date. In fact, the entire concept of love and romance strikes her as being a total load of crap. She has only a few close friends and even they think she tends to be a little on the weird side. So what hope does Aspen have of ever finding love?

Truthfully - little to none at all.

Extra information about the story:

I've actually begun to grow very attached to this story. I don't think a day goes by when I don't tell Clare (my boyfriend) my ideas, and ask what he thinks. I've developed a bit of an attachment to Aspen and the rest of the "Why Sugarcoat It?" crew, and I definitely plan to stick with this story until the end.

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